• AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT - SMALL CLAIMS July 29, 2024 (3)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT - SMALL CLAIMS July 29, 2024 (4)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT - SMALL CLAIMS July 29, 2024 (5)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT - SMALL CLAIMS July 29, 2024 (6)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT - SMALL CLAIMS July 29, 2024 (7)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT - SMALL CLAIMS July 29, 2024 (8)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT - SMALL CLAIMS July 29, 2024 (9)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT - SMALL CLAIMS July 29, 2024 (10)


STATE OF CONNECTICUTMIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC,Plaintiff-Vs- AFFIDAVIT OF HAILEE MILLERJALIKA HAYES,Defendant(s). Hailee Miller, whose business address is 600 W. Saint Germain St Suite 200, St. Cloud, MN 56301-3616, certifies and says:1 Tam employed as a Legal Specialist and have access to pertinent records for Midland Credit Management, Inc. (""Plaintiff' or "MCM"). I am a competent person over eighteen years of age, and make the statements herein based upon personal knowledge of those account records maintained by Plaintiff. Plaintiff is the current owner of, and was assigned all the rights, title and interest to Defendant's COMENITY CAPITAL BANK account XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1373 (hereinafter "the Account").2. I have access to and have reviewed the electronic records pertaining to the Account maintained by MCM and am authorized to make this affidavit on MCM's behalf. The electronic records reviewed consist of (i) data and records acquired from the seller or assignor when MCM purchased or was assigned the Account, which were incorporated into MCM's business records upon purchase or assignment, and (ii) data and records generated by MCM_ in connection with servicing the Account since the date the Account was purchased by or was assigned to MCM. In addition, I reviewed the documents that are attached to this affidavit.3 Tam familiar with and trained on the manner and method by which MCM creates and maintains its business records pertaining to the Account, which consist of (i) data and documents acquired from the seller or assignor, and (ii) subsequent collection and/or servicing activities by MCM. The records are acquired or created, and are kept in the regular course of MCM's business. It was in the regular course of MCM's business for a person with knowledge of the subsequent collection and/or servicing activities recorded, and a business duty to report, AFFIDAVIT OF HAILEE MILLER - 1LOO 0 HEN CONE 320260787to make the record or data compilation, or to transmit information thereof to be included in such record, or for such information to be posted in MCM's records by a computer or similar digital means. In the regular course of MCM's business, the record or compilation of the subsequent collection activities is made at or near the time of the act or event by MCM as a regular practice.4 The accuracy of such records is relied upon by Plaintiff in collecting this Account. These records are trustworthy and relied upon because the original creditor was required to keep careful records of the Account at issue in this case as required by law and/or suffer business loss.5 MCM's records show that this action is based upon a credit agreement betweenDefendant(s) and the original creditor. MCM's records further show that Defendant(s) used orauthorized the use of the credit Account but failed to make the payments due pursuant to theagreement.6. MCM's records show that the Account was opened on 2022-04-16 and charged off on 2022-12-31 with a balance of $1,462.39. On or about 2023-01-26, Plaintiff purchased andwas assigned the balance owed by Defendant of $1,462.39. As of 2024-05-09, MCM's records show that the balance of $1,462.39 remains due and owing and no interest has been assessedto the Account. Therefore, Plaintiff seeks the amount of $1,462.39 from Defendant. All credits and offsets for payments have been applied to the balance.7 The complete chain of title including COMENITY CAPITAL BANK, the original creditor, and all post-charge-off purchasers/assignees of the debt are as follows: 1 2023-01-26 COMENITY CAPITAL 2795 E. COTTONWOOD PARK WAY,SUITE BANK 100,SALT LAKE CITY,UT,84121 Midland Credit Management, 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA,SUITE Inc. 100,SAN DIEGO,CA,921088 Attached hereto are the following records regarding the Account: AFFIDAVIT OF HAILEE MILLER - 2IAA KOA IOCExhibit A. Statement(s) (including statement(s) reflecting the charge-off balance, and recording the last purchase transaction, service billed, payment, or balance transfer) and an additional statement sent to Defendant(s) while the Account was active, which shows the Defendant's name and address Exhibit B. Bill(s) of Sale, Assignment and/or Affidavit(s) of Sale Exhibit C. Seller data sheet reflecting the individual Account information from the electronic records provided by the seller or assignor pursuant to the Bill(s) of Sale, Assignment(s) and/or A ffidavit(s) of Sale in connection with the sale or assignment of the Account to Plaintiff 9 The documents attached hereto are true and correct copies of the originals, being a reproduction of Plaintiff's records, based upon my review, except to the extent that confidential and privileged information and/or personal identifying information is omitted or redacted as required by local rules, and applicable state and federal law. 10. Tf called to testify as a witness thereon, I could and would competently testify as to all the facts stated herein. LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY AFFIDAVIT OF HAILEE MILLER - 3IMO A ARMADA i IMTOO in 320260787 AFFRECATTACH 24-1344I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct. JUN 42 2026 Date STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on JUN 42 2026 by Hailee Miller. c cust LYNN aiss LV JOTARY PUBLIC- MINNESOTA Notary Pubic “7 My comm Exp. Jan a , 2028 CTl AFFIDAVIT OF HAILEE MILLER - 4A NC OA A imi ANCA AFFRECATTACH 4-13443 .a sen PAGE 1 0F 6[Bintan of account actTa,rity ] [Payment intermation J ‘Recount no, 2 4373 New balance $1,462.39 Minimum paymentdue $310.00 Previous balance +81,388.90 9104/2023. Payments Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the ninimum Other credits 0.00 payment for each period, you will pay more in interest and it will Purchases 10.00 take you longerto pay off your balance. For example: Qther debits 40.00 Cash advance 40.00 Ifyou make oo additional You wlll pay off ‘And you wil Batance transfer 90.00 charges using this eard the balance shown ‘end up paying an Fees ch +41.00 and aach month you pay: ‘on the statement estimated total Interest charged +3249 In about: of Newbi ce 462.38 ‘Only the minimum payment 4 years $2,339 Past due amount $263.00 ‘$60 ‘3 yeas 2.178 (Savings = $161) Credit limit $1,000.00 For information regarding credit counseling services, Available credit $462.00 ‘call 1-800-284-1708. sh credit iit $0.00 Available cash ‘Statement closing date 1270912022 Daysin biling cycle[Deia''s of your transactions TRANS DATE TRANSACTION DESCRIPTIONILOCATION ‘AMOUNT Fees 1270472022 UATE FEE 41.00 ‘AL FEES FOR THIS PERI a $41.00 Interest charged Interest Charge on Purchases $3249 Interest Chargeon Cash Advances, 30.00 Total Interest For This Period + $3249. 2022 totals year to date Total fees charged in 2022 $276.00 ‘Tota! interest charged in 2022 $190.10[Frerect charge caleulation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. See BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD on page 2 for more details. Minimum interest charge may exceed interes! charge below, per your credit card agreement, TYPE OF BALANCE SUBJECT IWTEREST BALANCE APR TO INTEREST RATE CHARGE Purchases, 27.99% (v) 4,412.68 (OA) 32.49 Cash Advances 20.89% (v) 0.00 (D8) 0.00[Racitoratimporiant messages Protect yourself against mail and phone consumer fraud. hitp:/fabout.usps.convpublicatons/pubz61welcome.AUn KCONTINUED) NOTICE:Soe covers Ce‘perieratin for important information. above on “Aesount sereceoeeneee 4373 umber BE Yes, | have moved or updated my ‘New balance $1,462.39 Minimum payment $310.00 Mailed payments must reach us D ‘eal address - see caverse. ‘Amount enclosed: by 6pm ET on 0170472023. $ Figase make check payable COMENITY - A," MASTERCARD. vetlel tittentl etna Meas ore tatib at JALIKA HAYES Please retum this portion along with your payment to: 77 FABERAVI PO Box 650113 WATERBURY CT 06704-1830 Dallas TX 75265-0113, eb EOE aden Wh 86239045307 O1uL3 373 000031000 900146239 EXHIBIT AWai his ion Ter on Facets Avie TERRE: Var ie Tea nak 38 Waa ar Ure lot ST auch tila evee. We wil oct charge you nisceat on purchuses il you pay yourWhat To Do If You Think You Find A Mistake On Your Statement cei balance by te dve dole each month. We wil bes caging interest you Dink Wiese Ts an tor on your statement wate tous a: Comenity ‘arbelance bunsfery ar cash advacees on tne Uangacion dato, We wil Capit Bak, 2 Bon 18820, Comb «32102009. Bogia t charge ineryston new purchases made under 2 Low ABR, Equal In your ater, give us the fllowig rant Grell Plan bor the data of putehaas, : dometin Youre oc soon cube BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD, We celcuetaruarst nepareelySe : Datar amount The dela amourtatte auspected ara. ‘sech balance uting the method(e) deserted batow. The bo : ‘eseripton ef Proame I you hak inca aan are on your i farentheaas nex‘to the Balanes Subject to Insaceat Rate colume ina <éeacrbe what you boleve in wong and why you balevs Interest Cherge Calcdation section on tvs slatament coreaparise te isto, (allowing‘You must conta! ue wiria 80 cays shar the ar appeared on your tuatement. Yeu must noity us of any poten errs Zn wring. You may eal! DA) lee by applying tre period ‘a, But you da we are net requlted to Ieveatigels any petandal rors and rats toWothafigura “dailythebalance” intoret frcharg each day in eo ilog poe. Yo-gathe “dallyyoumay havo 1 pay the amount in guoadn, Belaneo" we takeho baginring balance each day, edd ary nw Uanaaelone ‘Wilewe inveadaaia whether or et inere hae been an wer te followingare ‘and feaa and eubvact any paymenis or creda (veatng wny net cree balanee 19 2eeo balunce), This ales us tre dally bates, . Wo canna! ty Ww cllet ihe amount Ie question, or Fepor you 29 delinquent CUSTOMER SERVICE.Vici MYBUSPERKS.COM of cat 1-055-209-1022 The charge onfn hatquestion moun,may ramtin on your statement ade ay CTDOPTTY 1-889-010-1818). Send al mutts to: CUSTOMER SERVICE, continue to change you irlareat cn that amount Gut we determine PO Bos 189609, Columbus, OH «324836 thal we ristake, not have to pay the amourin ‘guastlon o any inaeet or other fea related to at amount ‘TELEPHONE HONITORING. To provice you wth high-aulty service. phone . ‘White you de net have to pay tho omourt i youere rasponbie fr the remaincer of your balan . ‘Werean eoply any unpaid amount againal you ere Hn, ADDMONAL INFORMATION. Abéroviations on your etatomant magn ine Fetowing:(v) maana variable ay very WV INT PAY RO‘Your Right You are DissatsodWit) Your Credit Card Purchases ‘moans WAIVE INTEREST, PAYMENT REQUIRED; Y/N EQ FY mosrieIt yau or dlosatised witb de gooda cr cervices thal you have parch sed WAIVE INTEREST, EQUAL PAYMENT: WVUNT LOW PMT means WAVE‘wth your erat cord, ad you have ed n good faith to career prota IWTEREST. LOW PAYMENT: OF INT PY RO moans DEFER INTEREST.‘ith the merchant you may have Ui gM ett pay the remining amount PAYMENT REQUIRED: OEF WWT EQ PY sans DEFER INTEREST, EQUALdye on he pure PAYMENT, DF INT LOW PMT maana DEFER INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT land LOW APR ED PAY maans LOW APR, EQUAL PAYMENT. You may pay owes ta ah oll of a allowing emus mone ‘lol you Account balance at any lime witext panehy, 1. The puhane must have bn Maca 9 you hema aia own 100 intl yu ern ming nasa prcase pcs rn hae once aBou1 guecTRonec cog convERaiON whe orebeen mote than 850. (Note: Neither of thos i ‘checka3; us alther to usa infomation fem your‘wes based owen avercsen on wo mio oyu. of Ov 6.cOMPANY ‘oc tomate a one Sve ccd Mind wana om yur SECDurt rothat eold you tho goods or enrvices.) 205 the payment 69a check wansoctin. 2."You must havo usod YOU" cli card Tor Le purchase, Purchases made PAYMENTS. Parmont in US. clare recsived by iho applicable due date‘wih cath eevences from on ATM or witha chack Oat neseneas your ered, ‘end.cutf kine i be crated 23 ofthe dite received. Maied or overichiod‘rd account not qual Doynents must stso mest he requcemas blow. Olvorwisa. a payment 1 You must nat yor have hlly paid forthe purchase, {0 ok be eroded for up ta Fvm ayn o¢ may be rejected. Tha cordis {asued by Comarity Capit puravant oo cane tnlemark fom Master Ill of he exteta above aro me! and y9u are al dinsataied wth InteraGona ncorporsinc, Meera in opitard ofpaucheve. contact usin wringa Comarty Capital Denk, PO Dex 182520, acer dara Columbus, OH 49212-2820. Malting or Over 3 cute time 6:00 pr. Easter Tema (ET: 2 perscnal check, money ender, Pavala’s chock oF Whilewe inveatgat, the axe ates apply tot puted amount2 hack to tre namo and eachose on the payment sib (foqult mei} OFddscseaed above, Afar we Brish our invespaion, wo wi tel you Ou? ‘3000 Ketiway Ove, Sule 120, Carotton, TX 75008 ( faciavon At the! paint we tink you owe gn aenount and you 30 ot pay we Inclide your payment ab. use We retam envelope revided wit yourray repar yeu 8s dint Storer, wale your aecount pumber on the chock and anna Dpaymont with one payment ab. CREDIT REPORTING, We may ropa Infomation abut your account 19 ‘Do no staple or clip your payment tote ati, vend Late pavmers, miaved payment, er eter delzulta on your ‘evento vendensh ag cercatng,‘seeouni may bo rfletad in your ordi report By Phone (cute term $500 am ET}: Callus tl row ot 41-855-200-183 ITY #-888.810-191 once OF ¢REOM REPORT 1sPuTES Onto feutft te $:00 pane ET} Vial MYBISPERKS,COM, 1 you beflevetnformaton wo ing agencyia inaccurate, soy us at Caren Cepia! Bank, PO Bor 102720, Calm (9b 43230-7120, Pronne provid: . Your name and accoun! aumbor : Your address ard tleahene number : ‘What infermaton you lapute andy You befove ia inseeurate : avoiae, a copy of he esedon af tha ead reper shewing Ue Information you are dapuiog‘Send ell sankruptey Capkal Bank, notices Department, Qanttuptcy and related POcorrespondence to Comonity Gex 165043, Columbus, PAYMENTS MARKED “PAD IN FULL. wetan commenicavens reparaingdhaputed amounes at inchade any eneck oF oN inten mand win peymena Mean uege mb pre 31000 Key Dri Do NoT Use THe ENCLOSED REMITTANCE ENVELOPE. - We may accep payment corto any ober addreus without lasing any of our ‘gna How tntaemation Title (optional) First Name. mt Last Name. Soe. See. No. Street Address, Apt. No. RR PO Box City stale Zip Code Foreign Map Code Home Phone ‘Work Phone. Email AddressPAGE 3 OF 4 CeoIMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED! Your Accounts extremely past due and wil be wien off as a bad debt SOON.To avoid this, you must pay the Minimum payment amount shawn on this statement at least 4 days prior to the end of themonth in which this statement closed. You can find the Statement closing date in the Summary of account activity anage 1 of this statement, if you are not able to pay the Minimum payment amount, we may stl be able to assist you. Callus immediately at 1-855-617-8089 (TOD/TTY 1-888-819-1918) to discuss your payment options. If writen off, the baddebt wil be reported to the three major credit bureaus and aur Recavery team will detenmine the appropriate steps, aspermitted and available under applicabte law, to protect our interests.IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT LATE FEE CREDITSWe may occasionally provide a credit for the amount, part or all, ofa late fee charged to your account. I we do, we willcharge a fee of up to $41.00 for any subsequent late payment. In addition, we may reverse the credit and repost the‘charge to your account if you fail to make the minimum payment dueon or before the due datein the next biting period.Important Information regarding your My B's Perks* Mastercard® credit card ‘On February 24, 2023, the My 81's Perks Mastercard program will change ownership to Capital One and become the 81's One™ ‘Mastercard? program. You will soon receive a new card to replace your My i's Perks Mastercard credit card, Important information to nate: You can use your e: ing My Bi's Perks Mastercard credit card until Febeuary 27, 2023. No scheduled one-time payments will be processed by Comenity Capital Bank on or after February 24, 2023. Please make payments by mail or enrall in online banking with Capital One at,com on or after February 27, 2023. I your account is not transferred, we will contact you. For more information on these changes, visit,a PAGE 1 OF 4[Summary of accoun! activity = ] [Fevmentcrtsrmation ] ‘Account no, FITS New balance 0.00 Previous balance PaymentsOther credits, “gg 31,462.39 Minimum payment due «Payment di i nmin . ouounazs Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum payment for each period, you will pay more in interest and it will Purchases. 40.00 take you longer to pay off your balance, For example:Other debits 40.00 Cash advance 40.00 Tryou make no additional You wil pay off ‘And you wilt Balance transfer 40.00 charges using thls card the balanea shown end up paying an Fees charged +0.00 and each month you pay: an the statement sstimated total Interest charged +0.00 in about: New balance ¥$0.00 ‘Gaty the minimum payment years $1,962 Past due amount $0.00 For information regarding credit counseling services, ‘call 4-800-284-1708. Credit timit $t,000.00 Available credit 00 Cash credit timit $0.00 Avaitable cash $0.00 Statement closing date 1213112022 Daysin billing cycle[Betis of your wansactions TRANS DATE TRANSACTION DESCRIPTIONILOCATION “AMOUNT 421302022 CHARGE OFF ACCOUNT-PRINCIPALS 996.29 1213412022 _ CHARGE OFF ACCOUNT “FINANCE CHARGES” 488.10 Interest charged Interest Charge on Purchases ": w00 ° Interest Charge on Cash Advances $0.00* « 2022 totals year to date Total fees charged in 2022 $276.00 Total interest charged in 2 $190.10[merest charge caicuiation ‘Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. See BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD on page 2 for more datails, Minimum interest charge may exceed inlerest charge below. per your credit card agreement TYPE OF BALANCE SUBJECT INTEREST BALANCE APR TO INTEREST RATE CHARGE Purchases. 28.76% (v) 0.00 (0A) 0.00 Cash Advances 20.99% (v) 0.00 (CA) 0.00[Aaattiona’ important messages: Protect yourself against mail and phone consumer fraud. hitp/ welcome. him (CONTINUED) NOTICE: Soa x 139 sige for Important information. ie ai ‘above ‘Account oes eee et 4373 number Now balance Minimum payment $0.00 DO NOT PAY ‘Yes, {have moved or updated my Mailed payments must reach us emai address - see reverse, Amount enclosed: by Spm EF on ovv042023. Please maxe check payable to COMENITY - BY'S WHOLESALE MASTERCARD tue PA atte aetea lh ful! JALIKA HAYES Please retum this portion slong with your paymentto: 77 FABER PO Box 650113 WATERBURY CT 06704-1830 Dallas TX 75265-0113 phelps tata 1a Hatt] 4b23045107 0113 HR 373) 000000000 noonaoo00esi his pata Ta Youn cards — a ‘BANING THTEREST Vir dive dataiy linen 35 days ators choseol Sachtat To Dor You Think You Fina A Muxtko On Your Saatement iling eye, We wil nol charge youintoreston purchases if you pay year ‘entire btence by Uke dve date each month, We wil bogin charging ilareat 'Wyou tink ina ia 88 enor on your statement. wit fo La ak Comanily ‘nbelance kansioreapd cagh advances onthe Warsacton date. Wa wil (Capit Bank. PO Bex 182820, Columbus.OF 43216: begin to charge inter je meda under a Low APR. Equtt{n your late. give us ie fotonng information: Paymsat Pa snl Credit Pan tem the dat af purchase, Ialermation. Your namo and aesoun: number BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD. Wa caleLinln terest eoparatly for oftar amount The dolar amount of ho evepected amor. ‘eten balance using ine moinadis) described Below. The two Prior! you think Uvere lean amr on you bil, ronthenes next the Blanes Subjoc to nares Rata eeu In fre Ldavcribe what you bellows fe wong aod why You belle it. 3 leearozt Charge Celouoten sncton on this statement careepends 10 the ‘You rut conlact ua within€0 daye star the err appesved on your following: Statement. You must ooly us of eny potential erors in ting. You mey call (OA) We figure the interest charge on hi balance by appivng tne periodic1s, butt you do re are nol requied lo ovaatigaln any poser ore an ‘le to ha “daly balance” for each doy nthe Wing paiod. To got De cally you oy havo to pay te seven in question balance” we take Ov beginring bulence wach day, add any nib barcaclion ‘nie we inasligat whether or nol tna hes bean ae aor. De faleingare ed wubiact wry payneniaor credit (sealing any net eee tee Belance. "2 Zorebelence. This gives te dally balance We cannes try to clioe ino amount in gsaalon. Of open You a, atinquenton al amount. (CUSTOMER SERVICE. Viti MYB/SPERKS.COM of eal 1-455-200:1072 The charge Is cuosiion mey romoln sn you sistomoct. ond wo may (TDOITTY 1-580-810-1618). Sand all inquiries to: CUSTOMER SERVICE. entinue wo charge you irteraston tot amount, wo determine PO dex 183003, Columbus, OM «3218-3005. that we mags a miaiake, you vit not havo te pay ho omourtin| ‘Queation or any inavea or ether fees celoied to hat omownt ‘TELEPHONE MCNITORINO. To provide you wih highraualty service, shone . ‘While you ont hae to pay thw amount ia question, YOU a8 orm ian with us ia monitored andloe rapanalbla fr the reminder of yout balance, . ‘Wa can apply eny ungald amoun against you ered it ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, Abbeaviaians on your statement mean Une Totlowing? (7) means vars cate may vary.¥IV INT PAY RQ‘Your Aigras W You are OlszadsiedWhh Your Creat Cara Purcnuses ‘mesa WAIVE INTEREST, PAYMENT REQUIRED: ¥V INT EQ PY moana you ar clasainhedwih the goodeof eercee that you have purchoaed WaIVE INTEREST. ECUAL PAYMENT: WV iNT LOW PIT meane WAVEwith your erectcar. and you have tied in good faith to corect the prostam INTEREST. LOW PAYMENT: OF (NT PY ROmeana DEFER INTEREST.lain he merchant. you may have ho Aght nett pay the maining areunt PAYMENT REQUIRED: DEF INT EO PY masne CEFER INTEREST, EQUAL ue en wo ure PAYMENT: OF INT LOW PMT maana DEFER INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT ‘and LOW APR EQ PAY means LOW APR, EQUAL PAYMENT. You may pay Tose i an ae be ening mut bow: ‘tlof your Arcount balance at any Hove wid penal ‘burchaae muvsthave been made in your home sate or win 700tilov of you carer ling ade, ode pice rust hove WOMCE ABOUT ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION. When you provide‘bear ore den 850, (Nba: Naitir of then is necaasaryil our puchose ‘check 29 payment you suthorita ve lhe toute information lon yeewas based on an advartaamant we mulled lo you, of weoun the company ‘hack tomake 8 ent-ima electrons fund tanalar fram you! ett ortthat aala you the good of aarvican.) xs the payment ana check bansacton 2. You mis! have used your erdit card oe mace PAYMENTS. nV, datas ve catesancath araena fom on APM cro hex bal ereaes uh ‘endexnaf ene willbe crated aa of Ove dite recat, Alalod or overeighiedond account 80 aot payments must also most the raqurements belaw, Othenviea. a payment Sous ot yao ity pl fre purchaee, ‘may not be credited fr upto five daye or may be rejectnd, Ths condi Inauad by Comerity Copia Bank pursueet toa license rom Mastercard all ofthe ered pd you are ol esate’ woh e Incamaionatncorparaled. Mastareard fa aroglsiaed purchase, coniaet us i wrilag at Comenty Cepia) Bark,PO Box 182020, Mastercard fetamatona oc Columbue, OH 43218-2620. Moling oe Overnight (cutoff thew 6:90pm Eastern Thre (6 + ‘Sends precel chook morey oar bets check or coahery Whitewe investigate, the same rules apply othe dispuled emounlos Check othe name and adknes cn the payrantctub (regula mail)or‘Eacuneed above, Akar we Feith ou: inwatigaion we wll ll you out 3000 Kaltway Orve, Suite 120, Coralion TXdecision, AL Bs! psi if we lnk yon oy an amu aad yur do 04 pay Wt Tne your payent sub, use the celui envelope provided with you‘ay report you es dling sSatament wal number on the check and and one [payment wih one payment sub. CGREDIT REPORTING. Wo may repr information about your scout I> (Bo no staple or cp your payment tothe ab. snd afcredit bureaus, Lata peymerts. iaaed payments. oF ater defeat on your with your payment or send exsh or gi contents,‘ceount enay be reflected in yout cred sapon. ay By Phone (cio tne $:00 pan. ET) Callus ot oe at 1-856-280-1822{TDDITTY 1-888-819-1018) Wome OF CREDIT REPORT OXSPUTES Ortine (eutet ti 6:00 p.m. ET): Viet MYBISPEAKS.COM, yeu betove infomaian wo reporting sgencyie theceurat oly ue at Gomoniy pial BankPO or 102790, Conus onan 20. Phasae prov Yourname end eecount ube! out acitats ad tlophene rember Tnfermation you capute and why you beloveits inaccurate Hewailate, a copy of ie ascton of me cre repatchowiagte information you are apuing notleos ond ralatad comeapendanea tn Gemonity Capleal Bank, lonkrustey Department, PO Bex 183083, Columbus, OM aan PAYMENTS MARKED “PAID IM FULL”. Al rtsn com munizations regataingcisputed amounts ial nehsdy any cheek ar cther payment indonesia beyman a i ans anguree mM ea 2000 Kelly Orv Carotten. DO NOT Use THE ENCLOSED REMITTANCE EAVELOPE. Wa may accept paymant vent a ery aber edéroza witout losing ey f our a New Information Title (optional) First Name. Last Name Soe. See. No. Street Address, Apt. No. aR PO Box City, State Zip Code Fox sn Map Code Home Phone Work Phone Email AddressPAGEIOF 4 E eames E cc IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED! Your Accounts extremely past due and wil be walten offas a bad debt SOON. To avoid this, you must pay the Minimum payment amount shown on this statement at least 4 days prior {0 the end of the ‘month in which this statement closed. You can find the Statement closing date in the Summary of account activity on ge 1 of this statement. If you are aot able to pay the Minimum payment amount, we may stil be able to assist you. Call us immediately at 1-855-617-8089 (TODITTY 1-888-819-1818) to discuss your payment options. If written of, the ba debt will be reported to the three major credit bureaus and our Recovery team will determine the appropriate steps, permitted and available under applicable taw. to protect our interests. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT LATE FEE CREDITS ‘We may occasionally provide a credit for the amount, part or atl, of a late fee charged to your account. If we do, we will charge a fee of upto $41.00 for any subsequent late payment. In addition, we may reverse the credit and repost thecharge fo your account if you fail (0 make the minimum payment due on or before the due date in the next billing ve PAGE 1 OF 4 E ne 7 u a‘Accountno. aes, 4373 New balance $998.29 Minimum payment due $30.00Provious balance $0.00 Save on Interest Payment $906.25Payments 0.00 Payment due date ow/o4/2022Other credits 21,00Purchases 1,017.29 Late payment warning:‘Osher debits 0.00 Iwo donot receive your misimum paymentby 8/04/2022 you mayCash advance 0.09 have to pay upto a $41Balance transfer 9.90 Minimum payment warning: If you make only the minimumFoes charged 9.00 payment for each period, you will pay more in interast and it will takeInterest chargea 0.00 you longerto pay off your balances. For example: New balance $906.28 Past due amount 0.00 Wt you make no additional ‘You will pay of ‘And you wilt charges using thie card the balance shown end up paying an|Credit leit 31,000.00 and each month you pay: ‘on the statement estimated total Available credit $371 In about: Cash credit limit $200.00 ‘Only the minimum payment years s7at Available cash $3.71 30 ‘Syears Statement cl Days in biling cycle osvos/2022 teas 205) Fer infrmation roaring ret counsang sanvices, call 1-800- ‘Skip signing in to pay and use Comenity's EasyPay. Il’s safa and convenient. Use your smartphone camera or code reader to sean the QR code printed on your payment stub betow to get started, Account Questions? Need to make a payment? Want to know how to go paperless? Visit or call 1-855-269-1622 (TDD/ITY 1-888-819-1918).a ENE in ww eokcne Een Eam 3% cash back on most in-Club and ‘Your available award balance is Don't forgat, You save $0.10 ctigal. ai purchases with your card. Visit currently $10.00. 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Amount ond Please make check payable to: COMENITY - My BJ's Perks Mastercard Wht oh une Moet he de t teeth JALIKA HAYES

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Aug 01, 2024 |CVMV2400647

WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. MOTION TO COMPEL BY WELLSCVMV2400647vs DERYKE FARGO BANK, N.A.Tentative Ruling: Granted.All Requests for Admissions are deemed admitted by Defendant.



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Jul 31, 2024 |21STCV41477

Case Number: 21STCV41477 Hearing Date: July 31, 2024 Dept: 68 Dept. 68 Date: 7-31-24 Case # 21STCV41477 Trial Date: N/A ENFORCE SETTLEMENT MOVING PARTY: Plaintiff, CIT Bank, N.A. RESPONDING PARTY: Defendant, Van Helflin Holdings, Inc., et al. RELIEF REQUESTED Motion to Enforce the Settlement Agreement SUMMARY OF ACTION Plaintiff CIT Bank, N.A. alleges the existence of a January 10, 2019, executed MASTER EFA AGREEMENT and EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE, with Defendant Van Helflin Holdings, Inc., whereby Van Helflin Holdings, Inc., agreed to 60 monthly payments of $754.56. Defendant Stephen Heflin executed a personal guaranty. Plaintiff alleges a default/breach on the lease thereby leaving a $32,038.44 balance due. On November 10, 2021, and January 12, 2022, Plaintiff filed a complaint and first amended complaint for Breach of Contract. A request for dismissal of the entire action was filed on November 9, 2022 under the jurisdiction of CCP 664.6. RULING: Granted. Plaintiff CIT Bank moves for enforcement of the parties settlement agreement. The relevant terms of the agreement require the parties to cooperate in the listing and sale of the property. The sale proceeds will be left in an escrow account pending further agreement of the parties, or order of the court. On July 28, 2022, the parties filed their stipulation for settlement of the action. The settlement agreed to a balance of $22,440, payable in monthly installments of $935. In case of default, the balance would increase to $32,038.44. Defendant(s) made $5,610 in payments, and defaulted on the March 28, 2023, thereby leaving an unpaid balance of $26,428.44. Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6: If parties to pending litigation stipulate, in a writing signed by the parties outside the presence of the court or orally before the court, for settlement of the case, or part thereof, the court, upon motion, may enter judgment pursuant to the terms of the settlement. If requested by the parties, the court may retain jurisdiction over the parties to enforce the settlement until performance in full of the terms of the settlement. (Code Civ. Proc., § 664.6.) Strict compliance with the statutory requirements is necessary before a court can enforce a settlement agreement under this statute. (Sully-Miller Contracting Co. v. Gledson/Cashman Construction, Inc. (2002) 103 Cal.App.4th 30, 37.) Accordingly, parties under section 664.6 means the litigants themselves, not their attorneys. (Levy v. Superior Court (1995) 10 Cal.4th 578, 586 (holding we conclude that the term parties as used in section 664.6 means the litigants themselves, and does not include their attorneys of record.).) Additionally, the settlement must include the signatures of the parties seeking to enforce the agreement, and against whom enforcement is sought. (J.B.B. Investment Partners, Ltd. v. Fair (2014) 232 Cal.App.4th 974, 985.) Section 664.6 was enacted to provide a summary procedure for specifically enforcing a settlement contract without the need for a new lawsuit. (Weddington Prods., Inc. v. Flick (1998) 60 Cal.App.4th 793, 809.) When ruling on a section 664.6 motion, the trial court acts as a trier of fact to determine whether a settlement has occurred, which is also an implicit authorization for the trial court to interpret the terms and conditions to settlement. (Id.) The court may not create the material terms of a settlement, and must instead decide on what terms the parties agreed upon. (Id.; Terry v. Conlan (2005) 131 Cal.App.4th 1445, 1460; Osumi v. Sutton (2007) 151 Cal.App.4th 1355, 1360; Fiore v. Alvord (1985) 182 Cal.App.3d 561, 565-566.) In acting upon a section 664.6 motion, the trial court must determine whether the parties entered into a valid and binding settlement of all or part of the case. In making this determination, trial judges, in the sound exercise of their discretion, may receive oral testimony or may determine the motion upon declarations alone. (Corkland v. Boscoe (1984) 156 Cal.App.3d 989, 994.) The property sold on July 20, 2022. Its not clear from the motion how much the sale netted, but the escrow company distributed $300,000 to both parties, plus an additional $30,000 to defendant Lison. Again, its not clear why this additional amount was distributed. On an unspecified date, the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power refunded $51,151.75 in fees paid. The fees are currently being held in an escrow account. [Declarations of Michelle Sorice and Craig Forry.] Plaintiff filed a notice of settlement on September 14, 2022, and a request for dismissal under the jurisdiction of CCP 664.6 on November 9, 2022. The court denied the motion to vacate the dismissal on September 5, 2023. The motion itself includes a copy of the executed settlement agreement. [Declaration of Steven Booska, Ex. A.] The court accepts the settlement agreement, the represented default on the agreement, and right to seek a judgment for the outstanding balance. [Booska Decl.] The unopposed motion is granted. Moving parties to give notice.



Jul 30, 2024 |CGC23604325

Matter on the Law & Motion Calendar for Tuesday, July 30, 2024, Line 5. PLAINTIFF WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.'s MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. Ordered off calendar for defendant's noncompliance with Local Rule 2.7(B) (courtesy copies). Motion may be re-set for a Mon.-Thur. after August 22. Defendant's papers shall bear new hearing date. =(302/RBU)


Captial One, N.A. vs. Ward

Jul 31, 2024 |23CVG-01215

CAPITAL ONE, N.A. VS. WARDCase Number: 23CVG-01215Tentative Ruling on Motion for Order that Matters in Request for Admission of Truth of Facts beAdmitted: Plaintiff Capital One, N.A. seeks an order deeming the truth of matters specified in Plaintiff’s Requestfor Admissions, Set One. Despite being timely served, Defendant Leah Ward did not file an Opposition.When a party fails to respond to a request for admission, the requesting party may move for an order deeming thegenuineness of documents and the truth of matters specified in the requests admitted. CCP § 2033.280(b). Failureto respond also waives any objections to the discovery propounded. CCP § 2033.280(a). Plaintiff’s moving paperssufficiently demonstrate that Defendant has failed to respond to the Request for Admissions within the requiredtime frame.Unlike a motion to compel further responses, a motion to compel responses when no responses have beenprovided does not require the propounding party to demonstrate good cause or that it satisfied a meet-and-conferrequirement. Sinaiko Healthcare Consulting, Inc. v. Pacific Healthcare Consultants (2007) 148 Cal. App. 4th390. Despite there being no requirement to meet and confer, Plaintiff sent a meet and confer letter to Defendant,through her former counsel, prior to filing the motion.Monetary sanctions are mandatory per CCP 2033.280(c), however, Plaintiff did not seek monetary sanctions andprovided no evidence regarding attorney’s fees or other costs associated with bringing the motion. Sanctionsshould only be imposed for “reasonable” expenses. CCP § 2023.030. The Court does not have information uponwhich to make a finding that any amount of sanctions were for reasonable expenses and should not imposesanctions.The motion is GRANTED. Defendant is deemed to have admitted as true each of the items contained inPlaintiff’s Request for Admissions, Set One. Objections are waived. Plaintiff provided a proposed Order thatwill be executed by the Court. The Court confirms the trial date of January 21, 2025.



Jul 29, 2024 |CGC23610721

Matter on the Law & Motion calendar for Monday, July 29, 2024, Line 9. PLAINTIFF BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.'s MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS. Off calendar. The Carr declaration fails to show that the parties met and conferred "in person, by telephone, or by video conference" in compliance with CCP 439. Defendant is ordered to comply with the code. For the 9:30 a.m. Law & Motion calendar, all attorneys and parties may appear in Department 302 remotely. Remote hearings will be conducted by videoconference using Zoom. To appear remotely at the hearing, go to the court's website at under "Online Services," navigate to "Tentative Rulings," and click on the appropriate link, or dial the corresponding phone number. Any party who contests a tentative ruling must send an email to with a copy to all other parties by 4pm stating, without argument, the portion(s) of the tentative ruling that the party contests. The subject line of the email shall include the line number, case name and case number. The text of the email shall include the name and contact information, including email address, of the attorney or party who will appear at the hearing. The court no longer provides a court reporter in the Law & Motion Department. Parties may retain their own reporter, who may appear in the courtroom or remotely. A retained reporter must be a California certified court reporter (CSR), for only a CSR's transcript may be used in California courts. If a CSR is being retained, include in your email all of the following: their name, CSR and telephone numbers, and their individual work email address. =(302/RBU)


Aug 01, 2024 |22CV-0201128

D&A PARTNERSHIP CONSTRUCTION VS. VERSKACase Number: 22CV-0201128This matter is on calendar for review regarding trial setting. The previous trial date was vacatedby the Court’s order dated May 8, 2024. The Court designates this matter a Plan III case andintends to set the matter for trial no later than November 19, 2024. Neither side has posted juryfees. The parties are granted 10 days leave to post jury fees. A failure to post jury fees in thattime will be deemed a waiver of the right to a jury. The parties are ordered to appear to providethe Court with available trial dates.



Aug 04, 2024 |CVSW2404598

ALLY BANK, A APPLICATION FOR WRIT OFCVSW2404598 CORPORATION VS POSSESSION - CLAIM AND DELIVERYBARRIENTOS BY ALLY BANK, A CORPORATIONTentative Ruling: The Court does not have any Proof of Service that that the Defendanthas been served/noticed with this Application for Writ of Possession. The court will hearfrom the parties at time of the hearing.4.NEAL VS RIVERSIDE MOTION FOR RETURN OF SEIZEDCVSW2406566COUNTY SHERIFF PROPERTYTentative Ruling: Motion unopposed. Motion GRANTED.A criminal defendant, “may bring a non-statutory motion for return of propertyseized by warrant or incident to arrest which was not introduced into evidence butremained in possession of the seizing officer.” (People v. Lemonte (1997) 53Cal.App.4th 544, 549 [emphasis added].)Here, Plaintiff argues that good cause exists for the return of the seized propertybecause over one year has passed since the incident, and the Office of the DistrictAttorney has failed to prosecute the matter. In support, Plaintiff submitted his owndeclaration, stating that there are no charges currently pending against him for which anyof these items would be used as evidence, they are not property the possession of whichis prohibited by law, and they do not need to be retained for any investigative or otherlawful purposes. (Neal Decl.) Based on this evidence, Plaintiff has shown that he isentitled to return of property seized during his traffic stop.Court will sign the Proposed Order.



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Jul 31, 2024 |S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) |NNH-CV24-6145993-S



Feb 21, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |UWY-CV24-6075743-S



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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.