Dropout and Constellation Deletion Parametric Bilinear Generalized Approximate Message Passing-Based Equalization in Hybrid-MIMO (2024)


Authors: Yiwei Liu, Shengchu Wang, Mengxia He

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume 23, Issue 8_Part_2

Pages 9361 - 9374

Published: 12 February 2024 Publication History


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This paper proposes a novel equalizer for a hybrid-MIMO system combining both linear and nonlinear magnitude-only radio-frequency chains. A dropout-and-constellation-deletion parametric bilinear generalized approximate message passing (DCDP-BIG-AMP) algorithm is developed, and then applied for joint channel and data estimation (JCDE) in the hybrid-MIMO. Compared to parametric bilinear generalized approximate message passing (P-Bi-GAMP), DCDP-BIG-AMP randomly selects only a portion of variables to be updated and deletes constellation points which are changed slightly during the DCDP-BIG-AMP iterations. Consequently, the computational complexity is decreased significantly with the cost of minor performance degradation based on our experimental results. Its core operation is cyclic convolution, which is accelerated by fast Fourier transform (FFT). Subsequently, it is suitable for parallel hardware implementation. Moreover, the expectation maximization (EM) framework is combined to learn the unknown prior distribution parameters of channel. Simulation results show that DCDP-BIG-AMP successfully exploits the nonlinear magnitude measurements, and enables hybrid-MIMO to outperform the traditional MIMO on communication performance and energy-efficiency. DCDP-BIG-AMP based JCDE alternatively enhances the channel estimation (CE) and multiuser detection (MUD) performances, and converges quickly after only about 5 iterations. The dropout and constellation deletion mechanisms well balance between computational complexity and performance degradation.



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Index Terms

  1. Dropout and Constellation Deletion Parametric Bilinear Generalized Approximate Message Passing-Based Equalization in Hybrid-MIMO

    1. Hardware

      1. Communication hardware, interfaces and storage

        1. Signal processing systems

      2. Mathematics of computing

        1. Information theory

          1. Coding theory

        2. Networks

          1. Network types

            1. Mobile networks

              1. Wireless access networks

            2. Security and privacy

              1. Cryptography

                1. Mathematical foundations of cryptography

              2. Theory of computation

                1. Computational complexity and cryptography

                  1. Communication complexity

              Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


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              • Adaptive modulation and decision feedback equalization for frequency-selective MIMO channels

                In this paper, an adaptive modulation scheme for the multiple-input multiple-output MIMO frequency-selective channels is investigated. We consider a scenario with precoded block-based transceivers over spatially correlated Rayleigh multipath MIMO ...

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              Published In

              Dropout and Constellation Deletion Parametric Bilinear Generalized Approximate Message Passing-Based Equalization in Hybrid-MIMO (1)

              IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Volume 23, Issue 8_Part_2

              Aug. 2024

              1198 pages

              Issue’s Table of Contents

              1536-1276 © 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


              IEEE Press

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              Published: 12 February 2024


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              Dropout and Constellation Deletion Parametric Bilinear Generalized Approximate Message Passing-Based Equalization in Hybrid-MIMO (2)

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              Dropout and Constellation Deletion Parametric Bilinear Generalized Approximate Message Passing-Based Equalization in Hybrid-MIMO (2024)


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