7' 1" 11 I Tut SPOkISMAN-RRAW Tion Jan. 12.1981. Spokane, Wash. A nc TV, RADIO, STEREO It 00 430 SUILDING IPAAIVIIALS Continuod 426 ENEIIGYIPLIEL STOVES Confirmed COINS, 01011811ES Continued 483 HORSES tontimusd 47 2 MACHINERY INDUSRIM. Contonved ie Ye, OLD 'ROPING GELDING, HE AO OR HEEL SO9-447 Int PM MILEY Custom horse boiler, 000 5344052.
IAXLE, horse kegler. $en. 022 HP5 eves MOE re Pe MACHINe Re (Cr EW 4412 Trent For Went Air CornprossOrS Loaders Graders Deters COmersctors 484 SADDLERY A MISCELLANEOUS 53 TRACitierarOTIED Continued WANTED USED STEEL PRODUCTS Large wide flange beams, sheet EiZivt pipe. ic fabrated bridge be will be through Wash. orogen.
and Cant during lete Jan Interested parties contact DOMINION STEEL LTD. lobs Min Stream Rd West Vancouver, BC, Canada 604-n14124 604-92a-3510 HIGHEST CASH PAID or used refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges. 335 TEACHERS' AGENCIES Contimmd REMODELING AR Tyoes Ig, or small Rooftng a Spwlaity For 48.2-0114 AODITIONS. remodeling, fanish I garages. tree esl, Lit Ibonded Gordon 624 si BATHROOM KITCHEN RPOSOrleling Plon tile, eked I Cabinet doors J241416 CARPENTER work.
finish-fen-rod. Immo, ers 2S yrs eqr Retereoces.1 Free eshmates ralf Sill CUSTOM Sewing, goality orb rnansbirs. reasonable rates, Call Karl, 121.1 Gravel. backhoe-grader, Cat Wafer lines. sewers, seotrtli.
484-5A69. Pete RObboOS, Corp. PAINTING PAPERHANGING CO. Quality workmanshop, reasonbi 11" COURBEITE ALL PURPOSE I NGLISH SADDLE. lik new, 1.12$ CASH.
466492 ENGLISH saddle, SIM fitti.nps in- Llvded, rntade in En gl.nd, TT" 485 LIVESTOCK BUFFALO tor sale, breeding stotit coves. calves IS boils, ()manna Bottato Reserve, Stuart Bonney. Hermiston. Oregon, S03-561-1799, MAXIMIZE Profit, minimize labor. with Koster PortaPens for hogs sheep.
See us at Booth CS at the Ag Expo DAVEY HO Cu compressor powered by 4 cylihder ford BardnerDenyer It 4S rotary hammer; 7519 tbriine; assorted steel It bits 147E3525. D6C ANGLE BLADE New 14 59500 BOWER MACHINERY CO. 4625 Trent Spokane 535-1744 1975 POCLA1N LC80 Track Back-hoe, I yd bucket, low hour mchine, 1975 51108 Case Back hoe, Exc cond. 2500 bi-, $i4. SOO 1-523-2053 Rosalie, We Beale Clearing BlodeS Used CAT Parts BYRNE MACHINERY CO 4030 Trent S34-0555 KOMATSU SALES SERVICE ANDREWS EQUIPMENT; INC E4620 Trent 535-1604 L35 NH Skid Steer Loader, 103500 Form Home Supply POMEROY, WASH.
1509) SCI-1345 WRECK ING CAT 9K ST Graders. Current model CAT 03. Also most wheel tractorS. Draper Tractor. 4a1-0695.
YOUNG. keg, Ouroc Sow S. Weaner pigs. Family Guernsey milk Cow a Week old 1459-0644 13 WE ANER PIGS, II-WAS, Wormed 12, Iron shots. tust right for Jr Livestock Show, S25 your choice, NM g.
on 976-6M CALVES, baby IL started Holstein, cross, oil soots, hurry before they ud in price. 27E6591. I i Money Maker WANT ADS RUN 3 DAYS CLASSIFICATiONS 400490 MUM FOR $1.000 OS LISS PRWAYI PART5 ONLY Run as many lines as you like for only $9 diof PER LINE FOR PARTICULARS CALL 038-4664 352 PLRMANE jobS pOSMONS PLRMANE NT JOBS POSITIONS Continued have appikants to most fields of employment. Call now, Jobs Co 355194ME'S-- COMMERCIAL HOME MSC KITCHEN REMODELING FREE IN HOME DESIGN SERVICE ELECTRICAL WIRING REASONABLE PRICES! 534-5000 Creeaer Elec. REMODELING comAActiociAL RESIDENTIAL, One call tor room add.
offices, bath elect, plumb 2.5 yrs exp It 7-1IN Bond, Ins. References 328-1696 REMODEL, RESTORA- TION, ALTERATION Free plensiestimete tic oPel MA-128QM. Complete humelcornmercial maintenance REMODELING Oulditions, basem*nts, garages, ter, quality work et competitive estimate call 32? Thermoguard Insulation Quality for 25 Years Phone: 924-5000 ATTENTION et os clean your rental units. Fest efficient. No lob too big or small.
Free estimates 926-0270 4 3 A II 1 A( R( thl tt $(3 pa re. So sp HOPr 14; th Ot pa 41 wir I tf Por pair can. 25 Pelif 430 380 SCHOOLS I COLLEGES AIRLINE CAREERS Internattonai Air Aredemy will Be Interviewing perspective student, in your area. If you are Ult or cider and Ian nigh stneol graduate you moo guaidy for Airti ne Travl Troining Pleaw Cali Coitett 206-6952500 VielLOUVer, INA WESTERN Truckdriver 17 rInIng eo Boo leta2, Spokane. WA 9921 747 Salo.
Wavrt INMAN BUSINESS UNIV Nett Coe Jan 10 CoIlltiS 3571 3 83 BARBER SCHOOLS AAOLER SAPPER COL L. CS State Approved for W2011 Sprostpe phone 624-t7n 396 MUSICAL. INSTRUCTION LESSONS in piano. goiter. voice, music theory, compobition.
Jelin Viagner, 482 7S7I 400 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OUT THEY GO! ALL 1979-80 MODELS Must Make Room For NEW 1980-81 MODELS! 10910-40 OFF ENTIRE iNVENTORY Sale Limited To Stock On Hand II You're Interested in A Piano or Igen DON'T MISS THIS January Clearance Sale! SQUIRES 326.3353 "Top of the Hill 30100.151On" -Where Quality Service Still Come First!" Open 6 Dayt 9 304 MUSIC CITY NEW USED PIANOS ORGANS Small studio piano used takS Large upright piano used S399 Kimball pi consolette used lOkS Player piano rolls used $INS Baldwin tun machine used 61095 baldwin spinet organ ined 6.395 BALDWIN HAMMOND PIUS WIJRLITZER 1st Monroe Downtown 8384312 U. City Newberrys 926-8641 Pianos-Pianos-Pianos Fine selection consoles, uprights diegt1KImball only 92500. Rentals with option to purchase. Start 19111 with music DAVIS HOSCH Ntina AAont De 374 goeo PLAYER PIANOS From JENNINGS "The Piano People" I MC Francis 11277639 USED PIANOS GALORE Uprights, Spinets, Con soles, tuned Up, delivered. terms DAC.
GRAHAM MUSIC CO. E.10812Spragireir24-41520peneyes. KM TAMA Imperialstar Drum Set. LI drums, NA fir bass, a litchian Cymbals. finish, hvy duty hardware, complete S7200.
days only 7011.46431180 BAND Golng to Reno. Needs a Drummer a Bass Person. Should sing do harmony. Please call 928-6011 Anytime. 5-pc LUDWIG drums, solid stainless steel, chrome finish, hi-hat, ail llidgens, S1900.
Excellent cond. (7010664-8742 CDA CASH for used pianos. We tune, repair, appraise and buy pianos. MUSIC Ci TY 838-8312 SACRIFICE. )917 Weiser Sons.
upright, exc cond, ripple walnut finish, WOO. Days, 328 8311. THOMAS ORGAN good shape, make offer, 624-9 i79 Mon. day Niro Friday. WURLITZER ORGAN wBench 7 yrs.
old. Plano Bar, built in tape recorder. Good cond. 535-3721. BASS TROMBONE, Conn 711-4, ex cellent S.400.
755-9936 BEAUTIFUL Hamond Organ WI chorus vibrato. $1150. 747-59S4 FENDER Bessrnan amp. Best offer over 5200. 535-9247 LOWREY Spinet Organ, good condition, $250.
922.1154 REED eLic 'PIANO ORGANAMPLIFIER MOO CHENEY 1-235-8663 SUNN Beta bass B215 witoot switch covers, brand new WOO. 448-8190 TRUMAR Performer String Synthesizer, 3 mo old. S695. 3713 9191 WANTED Button Accordion, prefer Helmer. 484-4707 WANTED: USED PIANO.
$500 RANGE 141-6364 PRO tenor sax MO-offer 9244552 0 SUILDING MATERIALS S)t HAVE AY Van 901n9 to Merred. California around Jan. Ilth. WiI haul load down. 9244744 INSTALLATIONS.
Carpets. vino, Ceramic Tile ri, Formica. Free est II ere, 32945c9 ITC HE N. bath, home remodel Famling, INGS-M-EIC 1711eL A I ree est. 5343925.
Alik'r faucets? General flo-ups, plumbing, carpentry, Interior paint le9, 7,17456.1 A irrAODCLINCSAdchens. baths, bsrrits, additions, ceramic, ormi all phases, 1151-09 75 or 01 ILLING, Lawn leveling, driveways, dozer, hauling. tense posts, poowmg, mowing, e26-6602. DRYWALL. Hanging, tap-Rig.
texturing, Repair remodel specialists Free est Sill, 32645? ACCOLISTIC AL ceilings, drywall, free estimates. Craig 1 Acoustical Ceilings Sprayed I Drywall aping AJ'S WALLPAPERING Paintinu, guarrintd reasonbi, S34 5,616 aft 6 BACKHOE, DOZER, DUMP. IR UC 4664672 or 926-1865 Berk NOE-Doter, sewer, water, Vifie tank install Vietzke 244.9601 BOWS Repair. NW tanks. Ran 9es, CARPENTRY, concrete.
drywall, plumbinp. remod, add.534-124 CARPET INSTALLATION Reason able Rates. 53490S2 Wayne aft CARPET PROF. INSTALLED, reas. rates, 12 yrs.
exp. 5348948, CAT worit, etc. Ll', tensed bonded. 466-5987. COMML RC, resIdent.
rernodeld desie. expert tile work. 226-3514. DRYWALL. acoustical, nailing, taping 10 yrs 328-19tas, DRYYkALL, taping, 20 yrS ex0, days Kathy 299 3553, ELECTRICAL 4480177 Or 92131409 Expert Carpentry by Qualified CI attsman 32.5'217 FINISHED CARPENTRY.
18 Yrs oplocoicootraciors Lic 624-5M7. HAULING. AA-eying, Odd Jobs. Rates. Dee S34-0170.
A1lLING, pianos, turn, appl, misc. yard work, AS5-8211 Jerry. HAUL INC. trash turn appliances odd lobs, clean garisrpos 327.3963 NAM ING. FREE ES1IMATE-1i.
eye HAULING 328-7792 HAVE TRUCK-WILL HAUL. Any kind of Garbage. S34-(1e10. HAVE. Truck, Will Haul, Anywhere-Anytime Have Storage, S3S-T292.
OLSON CONSTRUCTION CO. Quality Remodeling 535- 5501 Painting-interlor exterior IL Lensed insured, 9T84023 PERSONALIZED MOVING $34-1574 R24-874 REMODELING and additions. L1 tensed bonded. 466-59li, REMODELING, bldg. framing, excavating, walls: 924-5163.
REMODELING: Cabinets, tNstbS wallpaper painting. 466-0233 ROOFING, all types, free .1.11. Co N-23IL4 Tree work, all phases. ProfessiOn ally dune. Irisbonded.
747-3227. Valley Maintenance- Quality Pe-modeling Free estS 534,0458 360 CHILD CARE L1SC. Daycare home has openings, hot meals. snacks, fenced yard, crafts. ParI 4 Mission area Drop-ins welcome.
9244698 GRAMMY'S loving care, fenced yd, 1924 W. Spofford. 32841139 L1C Daycare, NWAudubon, ages 2-5, outstandoplay area. 325-0625 VALLEY. 1 OPENING, ages 4 to 12.
9244692 24 HOUR daycare, meals pre school, for ages 017, 489 1481 367 DRESSMAKING TAILORING Dressmaking-AlterationsButtonholes. Spokane Sewing Math. 328-41M N.34,16 Division SK ILLED alterations, men women, fast service. The Backroom Botique, W2001 Pacific, 624-4701, PROFESSIONAL Sewing, all levrs esp. Steno 326, 52IS 430 BUILDIN4 OAATERIALS METAL ROOFING 54tt GALVANIZED 744 COLORED NOW MANUFACTURING WWI CUT' TO LENGTH 5 PATTERNS Industrial Surplus McFarlane Lawson Rd Airway Heights 244-9493 Open Saturday 9 to 2 31 CEDAR SPECIALS Nor 4, 7 0, shop grecn, lOtit I 0, premium grade, 24t If Northern Lumber Soles E.
3912 Mission 534-6069 or S34-6068 GENIE KITCHENS COUNTER TOPS Will trade a new kitchen fog mini pickup. Will pay cash difference If value of PU Is greeter than kitchen. You pay difference If PU Is ten. 535-0727 RED CEDAR SHAKES Cart 411547 sq 2OS-772-4765 or 663,9732, CD'h Extra heavy hand-sphts $49 50 so DOORS WINDOWS Plb.fictures, cabs, im paneling New-used bidg mtrts, glass, trnbr NROWN BUILDING -Will ERIE GATES concrete forms, 8,12 corners TOO of wall, 4,18 corners 400' of wall, wirods. Also 2 ton I ton trucks, 208446-0044 SPECIALTY LUMBER INC.
20S-263-9551 Collect METAL BUILDING SPECIAL 4040 ott, 40860's. Other betel Available, 489-1702. Package metal building, W40(10, $2686. Pacific Contractors, 5-34-4304. Select clear 1,2 8' cedar bevel siding, 6425 M.
OK Cedar DA Spiral Staircase $345 52006 Geiger Blvd. 747-4723 SPOKANE CEDAR S110 Sherdian 456-8236, ZIEGLER BUILDING CTR N4220 Market 48943760 17002 SprIgue 922-18C0 EEDAR SHAKES 1 medium. Hand split. 147.03sq. 292-2515.
CRAWFORD DOOR SALES E7907 Sprague 924-3032 CUSTOM BUILDING SUPPLY MEDICAL LAKE EXIT 244-5561, FENCE MATERIALS Allied Industries 535-06111 -LAYRITE PRODUCTS E. M5 Trent 535-1737 6 ft, wood sliding glen door, 66 3 66 36 6 366 366 432 HOME IMPROVEMENT DECORATING Floor Covering SPECIAL MORE THAN 32 ROLLS In Stock of Armstrong DESIGNER SALARIAN Reg 19.95 Sq. Yd. Now 9 95 So. Yd.
7 ROLLS In Stock Biscayne 600 Series Reg 19.95 Sq. Yd. Now 9 95 So. Yd. While Supply PRE-INVENTORY SALE In Stock Carpet Specials Plush, Sculptured, Loop All Styles Colors Many as low as 3.99 Garland Harper W.
27 BOONE 376-4300 FREE ESTIMATES 32sissookane Storm New cetroot I2106" 0700 433 APPLIANCES APPLIANCE SALE Refrigerators 835 Up. Washers S89.95 Up. Large Freezers $14995 Up. Ranges S79 95 Up. Much More.
All Guaranteed. We also feature the Fastest, Best Repair Service in Town. Appliances, 838-3066 $100 TRADE in for working refrigerator on new Admiral 18 or 21 Cu. Ft. Retrig.
Washers, Dryers ranges Big saving. Appliance Mart. 4402 Wall, 326-3S45. KENMORt washerdryer S299, Coppertone refer wthottom freerer frost free new compressor Vat will guarantee, 467-0940 MAYTAG washer $49. Kenmore washer $129, GE washer $169, Kenmore washer $119.
will guarantee RCA COLOR TV 21' Screen, REMOTE- CONTROL in a beisutitut ott-white Provtncial cabinet, $ASO 11316571f VICIE0 TAPE MOVIE CLUB Over Moot'', now in Stock. Coll tor detalis ELECTROkAART S3S-7451 HAMS: Collins S-Line, ISS3C, 312B4, S16E2 A aft tablf.1 Prised extra low Lewiston. 743-7357 RENT NEW Component Systern. IOW MONTHLY RATS St ACME TV E1727 Sprague SAS-1111 TECHNICS SL T70 trn-tbl, 100. Realistic am-tm rec SISO Perfect.
Both cab M. inet, TWO L750 speakers. A4000 Teoc reel-reek ADS. $2 equalizer I-716111a, Orel. I ONO.
TO receiver, I Sansui turntable. 2 Polk Audio 1650 or best otter 9714052 BCC. FORMULA Speakers. est cond. S2S0pr or best otter.
830-17SS, TE AC A7420 Cass. deck to 'remote control unit ti7Sotter, 926-7947 19" Color Toshiba. '79 model, perfect reason. price. 326-9131 19" Color Portable SI15.
$34-1673 406 CR. RADIO 4 EQUIPMENT Cet SSIS 14)CH, MIC, Ikea St 40 'BeST OFFER. 624-2636 IC711 2 meter, $gis elsg 4 10 FARMERVMARKET CHOICE BELE SIDES SI 29, Le. Hogs Lb. Cul wrapped MEATS 244-21357 APPLES.
CIDER, POTATOES. HUCK A8A 238-6742. APPLES, Warns, carrOIS, parsnips. Mel Walker, 2384762 FRESH DRESSED FRYERS, 244- Fruits 8, Ve9efebles, Van Hees Or E.1403.5 1316.926-3100 412 VACUUM CLEANERS GOOD Hoover Uprioht S25, 534 1673 415 SEWING MACHINES JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE VIKING Model SS30 Excellent condition Reg, $esS ste Price $399 NEW NECCHI Reg, Sr95 Sale Price S375 TOUCH SEW SINGER Good condition, used $IB SO "Many different brands to choose from Wit CO SEWING CENTFR 129711 79th Ave SU-We I INCOLN HEIGHTS SHPNG CI Inventory Clearance One Phaff School rnodpi 9 free arm floor models, 4 flatbed life weight Boor models. All with full factory guarantee.
Boyd Walker Co, Ina Sprague, 53S. YEAR END SALE Save SS on out entire stock. New 4, used Bernina, Fine A White Spokane Sewing Machine. N3616 Division LIKE New porthl zkqz wTams for decorative 5titching. 324-5493 PFAFF Industrial high spd sewing Machine, excellent, S450, 321-2181 SEWING Machine in cabinet.
$tn. 487-4653 416 OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPLETE Ohio Wentilic smell business computer with CRT, printer, software. 7474135, 534- ,345. ELECTRIC, double faced, sign, 2'X6', 675. Like new Oliketti-Und erwood 024-GT.
calculator adder, 2 bank, 6125. 326-9200 ELECTRIC NCR 160 Postingmachime, etc. working coed, 6300. tr 766-7531 GREEN STEFL OESK 8, CHAIR FOR $275. CALL PLESE RLALTY 489-2323, MINOLTA FAX Copier, exc.
cond. 838.1469 AUTOMATIC Malting equip Addressograph Muir Igraph 1.382.2088 BUR ROUGHS L5000 Computer for sale. New cond. 509-382-2088 XEROX Bond copier, exc cond, $995. 484 1459.
425 PLUMBING USED electric gas furnaces. 0150 used air conditioning. WADE ELECTRIC E1907 5prsoon 5..14 7099 426 ENERGYSTOVES WOOD Stove used -7 1110f-IfflS, refse, damper. $100 776-S418. $fee MAHOG.
Proway Provider Auto, fen therm $500. 747-052e 430 BUIL0060 MATERIALS DRYWALL Accoustical sprayed ceilings shtcotkinglaping. quality work. Rees. price D8.1 Drywall 926-7712.
GEN CONTRACTOR 5K11-41-2170P1 Will build anything anywhere. all anytime. Payne, PLUMBIND GUARANTEED tree estimates on all your re remodel plumbing needs huck Golliher Plumbing 325..3910 SNOW PLOWING South 14111 only, difficult areas our speciality S25 minimum. andsite Development 448-1008 AL'S DRYWALL Taping, patching, terturing, accoustical ARPET, Vinyl, Tile Formica. Priced to sell.
Quality guaranteed 1 InstallationS. 4814353 Anytime or 487.3833 HOME. Auto, Boat, RV upholstery. oft on materials labor through January 31st. Custom Camper 12033 Division, 466-8811 LEN'S MASONRY Qualify Rock, brick, chirniney re.
514,1410,1,. icensed P. bonded. BUILDING MATERIALS lotuogeane pots up good from end baths it loth the -best wood stove oh the business TLC SALLS 9PWIh.f Rd. S34116 CEN-URY 011 Forme: for isrger WPM ig bids or term Shop, $250 S.SSISOS or in $1S6 Sets NEW NLAVALATOR FIREPLACE with 3 chimney UK on.
SIS Dr be otter AIR TIGN3 wood stove, teaks Mc, 32S.9224 Fireteill Inserts, super efficient, Irg giass door built to NI 41rf 2311 FIREPLACE beat exchanger, 2 speod fan. US, 326-6446 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE (OL YMPIC BEST OFFER, tWart 3833 tree-standing fireplace, fctomney kit, S200 trm 922-046S PAR LOR woodburnong stove, mo old, St2S. 326-3924 SIEICR Free standing, large OWL, lytost new, WV. S35-13112 NEW 101 Earth Stove S57S 924-6255 ZERO citarance trot( slO fl6 ta 427 GAS NEAT Furnaces. BTU outp.rt 08.
Make otter. For Call 1 4862194 or 1-486 MI. 429 W000 HEAT Mastercard Visa WOOD KING CAN MAKE IT HOT FOR YOU Tamarack, s85cord, Red fir, $7 Si white wood, S65, cut, split delivored or you can pick it up tor leSS, 0111526 Market. 466-8918 FIREWOOD logs, delivered In 11' lengths. 2 cord miff.
W. Larch (Tamarack), Mixed (no pine), S55Cord 8 Forest Products, 448-2370 (After 5PM) --DRY CEDAR FIREWOOD 24" LONG. Delivered in Spokane SSO'Cord. Outside Spokane 560, Cord. 489 4605 Anytime PRES-TO-LOGS 60 cash carry 119.29 One unM240 logs $1095, For del.
price call 624-2233. E.140 Riverside Spokane Pres-To-logs 1 Excellent Quality aged Tamarack Split delivered. Call George Karlin 6-9 (Sat.Sun.10-6)S35-S024 PRIME seasoned Tamarack. Wilt delivered, S75 Spokane, $aS Cneney, $OO Ritzville. I-442-38 t5 150 CORD for big stuff, eftameter, 155 Stnali StUff, 12" under kindling, 299-4O81 BUCKSKIN 'tamarack spilt del BUCKSKIN Tamarack, spilt delivered, Sr5 a cord.
716-441 k. CEDAR driveway del, VS cord. 208-173-7948 '773- 1110 CHOICE Red Fir, split S5 cord Valley Sidcord city 9244422 DRY TAMFIR MIX, S70, $44-083125-9902 FIREWOOD, by truckload, lono lous, S700 2443201. F-Irewood, quick delivery or you pickup, corner 5711, Reoal. FIR Pine Mix, $0 cord.
delivered, 276-22S3. LUMP coal tor extra heat, 4147121S Holz Fuel Company, N5526 Market SEASONED 'tamarack, white pine lod9apolt TAMARACK firewood, S75 cord. Split delivered. 216-5119. TAMARACK OR RED FIR S65 Cord.
Airway Heights 244-9493 SALVAGED la' span wood trusses, 30-100 PSF, 456-8020, 448.9055 evesSTOK ES LUMBER E.7103 TRENT 924-8661 TOTEM HOME CENTER 16808 Sprague 924-2100 Utility economy lumber 2X4 2X6 wider. Elmer Haves 276-2676 I 1, SILVER DOLLARS S. silver COtos, gold coins, peck. et notches, gotd rings, sterling sit. Vet, (esti asellable Foot Seasons Coins, 1179 Agnsts Street, tdissag la, Mt.
Seta) I 4de-S19-4S4, SILVER gold bullion for salty to 1000or bars, own, krugerrands. 1A7 S100 Ou4 of state toll Neff 810. I-oco-541-am SSC Corp, American Coin Co Is buying sell. Ins; all types of sliver gold, 377- 4938 816 Garland, hours. eapm SaV PRECIOUS METALS E11916 Sprague 9211-67111 CASH FOR OLD 'SILVER COINS CALL FOR QUOTES 624-S480 Beam Bottles.
Wife says sell. 61000 or best otter. 447 PROSPECTING a MINING SUPPLIES Spokane Bullion Corp. Pays cash for Placer Gold 741 5100 448 CAMERAS EQUIPMENT BRONICA SAS. frame.
case, close-up attachments etc, 16914874741. NOW RENTING: Photographic equipment. Super Save Drug, Argonne Viitage, 924-9917. WE pay cash for cameras. We buy broken cameras.
Wanted, IWO view camera 7013.664 7323 OA 450 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Save On Office Furniture Steel Executive Desks SIO9 SO Swivel Armchairs. S59 SO 4 Dr Letter Flies 1II9 SO Large Selection 7474.514 OK Furniture W417 1st. HIGHEST PRICES PAID BUY SELL Gold. Sliver, any kind, Diamonds. Oak furniture, 624-4000, days.
624- 0749 eves. N. J.Co. Reject Particle Board Nii" Ire .2 79 34" 4 ill .2 99 CUSTOM OINO itiPPL 1-90 Med. Lake xit 772 2645561 GAMES PEOPLE PLAY COMPLETE GAME EQUIPMENT I POOL FOOSBALL PINBALL ETC Follett Music 5II4 Madison HOSPITAL bed, VS apt range, S75; loveseat 175; chest of drawers, much more.
Very, very cheap. Above Ricks Classic Rags, Apt. I. North 225 Division. PACHINKO FOOSBALL GAMES POOL TABLES Porta-Poot E8773 Sprague CHAIN SAWS HOMELTE 14" Super 2 Sale SI68 HomeSupply W7427 Boone 3261021 COME PLAY WITH US Musk Lessons for the 46 Yr.
Old. Yamaha Music School 376-9060 CREATIVE Talented? The Bountiful Boutique Handicraft Coop needs you. Call or visit, Corner Indiana Division. 325-4769. BTU water heater, 72 gal fast recovery.
ALL OIL fired. Like new 1450. Muscles Unlimited 838-2193. REBUILT MATTRESSES LOW PRICES. DOWNTOWN GOODWILL E.I30 3RD SILVER gold bullion for sale.
1 to 1000ot bars, coin, Krugerrands. 7475100. Out Of state toll tree no. 1-1100-5414891. SBC Corp.
TABLE SAW Rockwell 10" Ft Sa W24177 Boone 326-1021 TRACTION SAND $1.25 PER BAG Cunningham Sand Gravel N.11510 CRESTLINE 4414-3900 TREES; We buy, sell and transplant 15 to 25 ft tall Irees. Want to buy 6,12" diameter trees for landscp'o 1-206-661-19838-12am. WALNUT Magnavox stereo, easily convertible to bar S60. Rock Maple coffee table S95. Rem-brand hanging lamp S60.
624-2956 $1500 MEMBERSHIP Family Fitness Health Club. A bargain at Incl. racket ball, pickle ball, exercise swimming. 328-2578 BEAUTIFUL prime polar bear rug, rat'. S5000.
Fully mounted, ready to hang. Clint or Linda BRUNSWICK Pool fables from Global Billiard Supply. N2025 Division. ENCYCLOPEDIAS, brand new, leather bound, gold leaf edit, new S525, sell 1425. Cheney I-7354663 GOLDEN membership for couple, Family Fitness Center, sells for $1200 selling tor UK 244-2737 KOHLER 3K generator, elec start propane, lust serviced.
130 lira. New 1600, sell $895. 797-8170 LADIES 30.AA Vs Carat diamond wedding set, valued Sl700, sell $OO or best offer, 9264134 bank safe, dbl combination, time released locks, Slanebest offer. Days 624-4100624-8749 aft 6 NEW Poulan Chain Saw w20" Sprocket nose, bar chain 1,450, 466-2269. OLD Vending Machine for Sale or LLOYDS TV APPLIANCE 326-0690 HIGHEST PRICES PAID BUY SELL Gold.
Silver, any kind. Diamonds. Oak turniture, 6244000, days. 624 1149 ekes J.Co. WANTED APPLIANCES Frig, Range, Freezer, Washer, Dryer Working or nor.
325 5783 or 45O-9051 Ron 's Opt. CASH CASH CASH For Gold-Silver-Coins. Jewelry In? kind. The Gold Exchange, hi5)19 Division. 481-7715.
MONEY For AiUMinUrrl cans, newspapers. 1377 Fronds E2I0 SPrare De-Mor Recycling 6 2 4- 556 Cash for Gold class rings. 624-4000 P.N. J. Co.
LADY paying rash for old things, 487 25119, 328-870e, 326-2193. Top cash for refers, freezers turn Crestline Fur's. Appl 487-2663 Wanted-Used Funs, lapis, Misc. Cash Paid ices 826-6525 Table Saw Jointer. 1-2003773-4409.
455 ANTIQUES FURNITURE REPAIRING Make new parts Or repair old We also will turn Or repair spindles. Custom pieces cut or turned to your spec ificat ions. 972-89111. BUCKBOARD wimetal flower planters, slight damage to 1 wheel, eac shape, asking 11300 make otter, 926-711S FINE investment Jade, Ivory, Gem stone carvings. Wide varie.
ty Rareitems. Contact Eric Latko 2088113-0939 PAR El Original diamond button black loather psychiatrist couch, exc. oak sides hand-carved legs, $400 firm, 976-0474 OAK Buffet with mirror, antique radio, antique Booze bottle. 924- 6462 Before Noon POTPOURRI after the holidays sale. 10 off everything in store, S2I3 Bernard, 747-0393 ANTIQUES WANTED.
Any Amount (Dealer) 3204415 ENGLE'S Flea Market. N9014 DM-Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun 10-5 pm ESTATE SALES. EXPERIENCED, I. ICENSED BONDED. 321E1415 SOLID OAK FURNITURE Trent Trader 11907 Trent TREASURED Antique Pedal Organ, solid oak, 5350 Firm 838-1206 460 AUCTIONEERS FRANK Scarano Auctioneer experienced.
Bonded licensed. Call days at Dishman Trailer Mart, 924-3130 Now taking Consignments full I piece or houseful! For Apt. Call Auction, 483-2065. MAX REINLAND, AUCTIONEER 9264191 QUALITY AUCTIONEERING Don Wilson 9217177 470 FARM Several sets used 10Va ft. Weeders JD illiter Discs.
Tank from fuel delivery truck, S800 or best offer New 6,000 10,000 Gal. fuel tanks, reasonable. HOLIDAY SPECIAL Folding truck hitches DIAMOND DISTRIBUTING (5091397-2412 SCALES New S. Used. Bought, Sold, Installed, Tested Maintained.
Qualified people servicing the NW. Several sizes used scales on hand. Call Correll's Scale Service, 509-765-7754 or Toll free in Wash-In gton 1400-5724380 HILLSIDE TRADES 1963 JD 95H, 18 Cheney, cabair 1964-67 Gleaner CH, cabair 1970 GH Hydro, diesel, cebalr, 20' SMITH TRUCK TRACTOR (509) 547-8835 Pasco, WA WRECKING 151 4 WAY Diesel, ran last season, cab air, Schwin concave, broken front asie, best offer, complete or parts thereof, 647-2300 Wilbur. LOTS of Parts for Case, Ford, JD Wheel Tractors, Oliver 0C3, etc. Draper Tractor, RI 2, Garfield, WA.
509-397-2666. 440 John Deere Diesel Crawler tractor with Loader s13a50 ADAMS TRACTOR E.1602 Trent S3547011 AC NO4 canopy, winch, hardnose hyd angle blade, good shape. Need some shop equip. I-442-3M TREK UNDERCARRIAGES WESTMONT TRACTOR CO. 509 I535-8804 1477 Case SEC, ROPS, 24" OK 1350 14rs S19.500 11384546 AMERICAN MACHINE E4111 Mission 534.6261 Dil Cat, I3A series, cable dozer, top condition.
928-04M EMPIRE MACHINERY Hlway 2 Rt. 4 838-2996 Lathes, MIPS, Drills, Tool boxes Bixby Mach. W225 Indiana 325-3753 Ross 4000 lb fork MI, pneutp. tires, dean vertrel. 83950 484.2950 SEBASTIAN V-bed lathe, 16" swing, 3' bed, S3700, 535-9704 8 5 476 MACHINERY- WANTE0 WANT to buy wheel tratior.
40- 50hp, live 3 Pr (ash Frank Sheridan 247 SOSO, JT35-evhd 480 PETS LILAC CI1Y SPAY NEUTER DOGS, $25 SHOTS, $.5 NO HIDDEN COSTS 747-7206 SPAY NEUTER Division St, Pet Population Con, trol Clinic. All surgery by experienced licensed veterinarians. 481-2491 AAC Golden Retriever, Champion bloodline, Show field, all shots Incl. Parvo, price reasonable. I1177- 2200.
LOTS OF PUPPIES- ALL WITH SHOTS PET SHOP, N6813 Division 487-2533. OPEN SUNDAYS BLUE HEELERSI AKC Australian Cattle Dog pups, only 3 left. Ch. bloodlines, 1.8.54100. 466-2586 FEMALE Smokey colored medium site dog found Dec.
22nd. 535-7652 days, eves 456-8054 JANUARY White-Black Sale. Beautiful AKC Great Dane pups, $75- 8158 Some terms. 238,52013 MALE Reg. all white German Shepherd, well trained, good wf kids, 4844515 Eves, 489-5802 Days PINK POOD1 GROOMING FARM LOT GARDEN PET N4446 Division 483-6631 TOY puppies, females.
1 Shih-Tru, 9 weeks, S95, I Terril000, 8 weekS, $45, 484-4093. 2 AKC Siberian huskies, $7S ea sk out papers, SI2S with. toms, 923- 9979 or 926-9297. 3 REG Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies, ready now, 8100 each, 1- 509-476-2697 AK BASSET HOUNDS, 5 lovely females, tri-colored 8100ea. 838-3768 AK Basset Puppies t25, 484-3729 AKC co*cker spaniel, 7 weeks, $90, I-258-4388 AKC Long Hair Buff co*cker, 4 fern, 1 male $125 ea.
S34-6523 Afi 5 AKC PEG. BLACK Pug puppies. 8 wks cute, loveable. 509-525-6345 AKC Reg. Bulldog puppies, Cham pion Sires, 1.509-586- AKC SHIH-TZU puppies.
All shots, wormed, 44-9401, 448-80S1. BEAUTIFUL co*cker Spaniel, Red Butt. 6 whs, 924-6470. BLK silver PoodleMaltese, gd watchig, loves kids S20. 276-2P40 BLONDE co*ckER PUPS COE(JR O'ALENE LIVESTOCK SALE EVERY FRIDAY (2I8)662-5596 LIVESTOCK SALE EACH SAT.
TWIN CITY SALES YARD LEWISTON, (208) 743-9441 Border Collies, all round stock watchdog 216-6319 or 489-1284 CATTLE horse feeder s. 1e94e0-9 chutes- lumber. Hayes 276-7626. Happy Holidaysl Deer Park Liv; stock Auction. Jett 16 2264597 SALE EVERY TUESDAY SPENCER (708)143-5586 STOCK LANO LIVESTOCK EXt 515-24414 Spokane, Was 12 BWF Steer calyes, Joel Marten-See, 1-2213-2275 12 PUREBRED Charolais bulls, Winthrop, 1-996-2497, 1-996-226-1 2 BREEDING age registered OuroC gilts, $125 ea, 624-8831.
85 HOLSTEIN Cows. most Al Bred to Top All West Bulls. 1-937-4712 486 HAY a FEED QUALITY Alfalfa, Half Moon Prairie area, Reasonable. Bank cards accepted. Phone Eves 238-4362 376478.
ALFALFA hay 400 tons. 2nd S. 3rd cutting. BO Ions oat hay. No rain.
ton. 1488 5048. BARN stored alfalfa Grass mixed No rain. 1st 2nd. Trentwood S7S, 9264231.
EMMY hey, top quanty, no rain, barn stored. MO ton. s2.15ibale. 76-2531. VALLEY area 75 Tons Top Quality Alfalfa bay.
barn stored, can deliver, nalisa. EXCELLENT grass a. clover bee, barn stored, ash free, S2bale, can deliver, NO TON, good alfalfa, at Town. send, (never rained on) SAL per ton. 406-933-5532.
ALFALFA and Grass Hay $2 per bale up. 238-681S eves. ALFALFA and grass mix hay. RiS per Jim Lande, 238-6050. ALFALFA GRASS HAY $S5 TON DELIVERED 44 tele AL FALF A GRASS MIXED.
$60 $70 If Delivered. 191-4732. ALFALFA Grass, In barn, SaSiton or trade for camper, 448-2339 ALFALFA A grass hay for sale. n'l 2520 local. Can deliver.
ALFALFA Hay, $80 Ton. After 5pm. 7474911. BARLEY, Oats, Wheat, Whole Ground, sacked. 2443444 244-3292.
BARLEY STRAW for sale. $30 ton, In stacks, will deliver 1457-3392 CLEAN BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW, IN BARN. 1796-2491 Dairy 4 Feeder hay-del. truckload lots. Swanson Hay Co.
4664303 EXCELLENT barn stored alfalfa, $70, 748-6152 FEEDER hay, SW ton or Will trade for cattle. 2924322. GRASS hay for horses, clean bright straw, 7007 alfalfa hay, 4661704 HAY for sale, barn stored, mixed, $40 per ton. 2082634787. IRRIGATED BLUEGRASS HAY.
135 Ton. (1)20e-773-548S. 'OAT hay, $55, alfalfa hay, $65, 276- 6298 after 5PM 150 TONS Oat Alfalfa hay In stack Saa Ton. ally. avail.
299-3180 DS TON GOOD ALFALFA. Barn Stored Can 487 FARM SUPPLIES MIXED Grass Seed for Dry Land Planting. Make Offer on WOO Lb. QUI) 509-S49-3978. 490 BOATS a MOTORS BEAT FUEL COSTS! 72 Say liner trawler displacement hull, as roomy as most 24's INTRODUCTORY RIVER CITY rill OLIVE 12 INTEREST -now s149.95, Spokane Powered.
Includes pipe cTornar Trade. works. Exc. aWn ruck er I 'I' Ws' t4r5a5-98n12S'h AZ Zna gt 14P 6 Sale, 1 fl 1 1 PP C341 ZIGGY 51 MICRO WAVE SALE PIN BALLS, oosba flab es, Poolt SAVE sss on ay. 3-.
BOXERS AK LECTR 0 MART 535-2451 E114 Baldwin, 326-1551 151 HILLSIDE, gas, cab air, cut spect, reserve nrown $I50. 924-2396n. NEW-USED BOATS, 10-30' looc Micro Wave Ovens ables Se System Amusem*nt Boone Spokane 99202 551177 I dies Fawns I 4 TANY female, 4 mos, exc VALLEY MARINE Reconditioned Guaranteed POTPOURRI after the holidays bellosatdoetrferanodr trade for mark RriEWAY CENTER 976-9513 REFERS RANGES FREEZERS sale, 10 off everything In Store. in -71 AK $125 48993 4 sire'd Schi-PP-arke pups 10 WASHERS DRYERS FRED'S N2525 Monroe 328-3824 S213 Bernard, 747-0393 backhoe, Wilbur HONDA OUTBOARDS for sale. 535-3381.
n''OCK WEIL 11" drill press, mei), AIR Grain Conveyor P.T.O Joe's Marine E5019 Trent 535-6734 age AAON ITU E9 VVE Do er 2 months old paid S800 Sell 7 JC PENNEYS stackeble washer Pr $299 9 ae, -4- op ..1 ry, loading kit, 1.509-549-3978 SH9, mo Fishing Motrs up 10 1,550 cash. 466-4301, anyilme. E13524 Sprague itower Tool Eget Trent 489-4702 blower, John Deere model FERGUSON 35 3 PT GAS, S21150. 2 hp, will pay cash, E79I5 Sera UP PORT A-WASH 726, electric start, 26" sweep, good Bottom Plow 3 pt, S190. 3 Pt Cul- FAMILY guard dog training, 244- SKIPPER 1000 BILLS 9 21 I 7 1114 At A 535-1932.
tiv ator, $325 276-6000276-6467 5892 hrs, also Intl Cub wiplow. Both 534-52S5 448-WASH iTEEL Shelving all Gondolas KUBOTA tractor ctor loader Only 1 360 1 -El-EU kittens, 2 male 1 female Ev 19.TinUrucreP, StOoNn, lapstreak, 100 hp WASHER RENTAL shape, RT. isy, Rfreezers ate washer, dryer, Petes Paint store, 505 2nd, S.2100 or best otter'. 7'460'1 r' 3o. 11 doh, rang.
Reconditioned, guar. Cheney. 23541014 tractors like new 226-3602 local FREE to oo old male DAHEMARIN-E Golden Ffd home 6mo etriever 328-7913 Ron's Appl 325-5783 anytime N.6672 Perry 489.8972 'IztEE to ood home, 3 yr old male New Rebuilt propellers 48-4--T-7-6-5- REFERS, freezer A ranges, wi Ibrrailnler pups Sdteulgiesr Cougar ST270 w24.5X32 oar A Furn CRESTLIN Furn. no lois too smell. cottts 535-1127 Pullman Tractor, 1-332-2549 ShephergElkhound.
482-7963. PREC. PROP. 1 3. N5626 Freya 4011 EFRIGERATORS $145 Ranges TV, typewriter ate mode portable $30; clock radio 1974 20,8 38 Duals, Cab, LOVEABLE AKC bull dog poppy.
FISH. boot, Igo, sturd 2 motors lin lL $.35 Air 3-Remotes 31Hrs $24500 00 $350. 924-4118. other necessary T14111111111, Appis N6509 Crestline 487-266 SIM Dishwashers $95; Range food blender electric SS; 747-3232 B38-3546 -s tTEWFOLitIDLANDS, the dog God 21' 1973 REINELL 18Shp mere 44890 Ca5 li-- Hoods S20, Pianos 0395. 924-1530.
Wanted to buy used Refers ran- 1978 D-5BLPG 1900 hrs. IT made for children. 09-796-4: Cruise, excit co 532 irned. -5 16 F-n lish Sheepdogs, SI00. 2 411tip Johnson rebuilt o475 534 818.4 5HP snowblower, frig, 191,1 cu.
es, washers dryers. App WILLSON TRACTOR a A COLFAX, WA (509)397-4329 freezer, dbl oven stove, asbestos ances, N3402 Crestline, 487-5218. siding, sink. 41t9-9406327-2521 len. 12 I 491 SAILBOATS WHTTE gold diamond engagemeni 69 H04 ALLIS CHALMERS "PEMB-12-0KE WELSH CORGIS" With loader, tractor real good COPPER Kenmore -Dishwasher.
wedding rings, value 3650 sac. PUPS ADULTS. 208-777-J149 Good cond. $150, 926-1186. FREEZE le Sears upright, 3 rifice 441 1855.
or best offer 276-8212 SAILBOATS, 12-37 ET. R. 2p- IN Ford vsloader, S2495 PERSIAN Cats. 534-5550 Atter VALLEY MARINE iLhod cond. SI 922-1154 BOUNDARY TRACTOR CO.
Banners Ferry, Id. 12)267-5 REFRiG, top freezer, Frigidaire, S165, Larry 325-4444 08571 PERSIAN Cat. Grand Champ. FREEWAY CENTER 9269513 Bloodlines, 175 to SI SO, 466-0620. almond, spotless, ISO.
455-8730 AUTOSnwmble tandem axle, AC 441-54WD Tractor, 2480 Hrs. Your fricTnmy easy to find i'': 0, hdwd deck, 0 466-604 0 E.K. 13.Machinery 1-50- 1557 PUREBRED white Poodle, no DEALER pa- SAN JUA TOP Model Wards 30" Range brakes $120 4 white. Excellent. 0175.
624-2504 BUFFALO HEAD 22440-9-1 Cali us for tractor parts pers, 2 mo old. male, $SP 535-4980 SK IPPER BILLS P.s 467-0940 MICRO WAVE SALE SAVE on Micro Wave Ovens ELECTROAAART 535-2451 Reconditioned Guaranteed REFERS RANGES FREEZERS WASHERS DRYERS FRED'S N2525 Monroe 328-3824, JC PENNEYS stackable dryer, 2 months old, gold $880. s550 cash. 466-430I, anytime. PORT A-WASH WASHER-DRYER RENTAL Monthly Rates 448-WASH REFERS, freezers, washer, dryer, range.
Reconditioned, guar. Ron's Appl 325-5783 anytime REFERS, freezer A ranges, guar A Furn. CRESTL1NE p*rn. S. Abets.
N6509 Crestline 487-2653. REFRIGERATORS $145; Ranges 1125; Dishwashers $95; Range Hoods $20, Pianos $395. 924-1530. 5HP snowblower, frig, 1912 cu' freezer, dbi oven stove, asbestos siding, sink. 489-9436327-2521 COPPER Kenmore Dishwasher.
Good cond. $150, 926-1186. FREEZER. large Sears upright, 3 AQUARIUMS, 2-20 I-15 gal, iLtod cond. S150.
922-1154 stand, lights, pumps, healers, REFRIG, top freezer, Frigidaire, $165, Larry 325-4444 almond, spotless, $ISO. 455-8730 AUTOSnwmbie trlr, tandem axle, TO Model Wards 30" Range, hdwd deck, brakes, 51200. 466-6040 white, Excellent, $175, 624-2504 BUFFALO HEAD 234-4091 Trade. Everything works. Exc.
cond. $SO, 489-7209. PIN BALLS, Foosballtables, Poo 'tables Save System Amusem*nt EII4 Baldwin, 32V155) POTPOURRI after the holidays sale, 10 off everything In store, S213 Bernard, 7 3 3 ROCKWELL 11" drill press, regular S299.66, now 1149.95, Spokane Power Tool, E801 Trent, 499-4202. SNOW blower, John Deere model 726, electric start, 26" sweep, good shape, 535-1932. STEEL Shelving, wail Gondolas.
Petes Paint Store, SOS 2nd, Cheney. 2354014 Trailer hitches instaird, $34.95 bring your weld'g problems to us no lob too small. Scotts 535-1127 TV, portable $30; clock radio Lind typewriter, late model. $35; food blender electric SS; 747-3232 Wanted to buy used Refers, rang-Os, washers dryers. Appliances, N3402 Crest line, 487-5218.
WHITE gold diamond engagement wedding rings, value $650, sac. rifice $375, 448- 1055. STORMOR GRAIN BINS, Winter Sale, Westgo grain handling Quip. Sales, Inc. E.
3905 Boone, Spokane, 99202. S3S-1177. 151 HILLSIDE, gas, cab air, cut last year, best otter or trade for tractor yeloader and possible backhoe, Wilbur AIR Grain Conveyor P.T.O. Powered. Includes pipe truck loading kit, 1.509-549-3978.
FERGUSON 35 3 PT GAS, S2050. 2 Bottom Plow 3 pt, S353. 3 Pt Cultivator, $325. 27640001276-6467 KUBOTA tractor loader, only 360 hrs, also Intl Cub wiplow. Both tractors like new 226-36e2 local Steiger Cougar S1270 w24.5X32 duals Pullman Tractor, 1-332-2549 1974 IH 4366, 20,8 a 30 Duals, Cab, Air, 3-Remotes, 3100 Hrs.
524,500 8303546 1978 D-5BLPG 1900 hrc. IT WILLSON TRACTOR COLFAX, WA (509)397-4329 69 404 ALLIS CHALMERS With loader, tractor real good 89300 or best offer 276-8212 8N Ford vsloader, $2195 BOUNDARY TRACTOR CO. Banners Ferry, Id. (208)267-5571 AC 440 4WD Tractor, 2480 Hrs. 13.E.K.
Machinery 1-549-3557 Call us for tractor parts Rdgistered, 0100, 455-9812. BLUE Heeler Australian Shep pup, will be gd watchdog 025. 276-2040 BOXERS AKC Brindles, Fawns Inspect, reserve now. $150. 924-2396, BRITTANY female, 4 mos, exc markings, AK $125, 489431 CHAMPION sired Schipperke pups for sale.
535-3381. EVERGREEN PET SHOP EI3524 Sprague 926-6200 FAMILY guard dog training, 244- S8v2 FREE kittens, 2 males, i female. 534-52S5 FREE to good home amo old male Golden Retriever 328-7913 FREE to good home, 3 yr old male Shepherd-Elkhound. 482-7963. LOVEABLE AKC bull dog puppy.
$350. 924-41111. NEWFOONDLANDS, the dog God made for children. 509 796W32. OLD English Sheepdogs, $100.
2 left 126-0397. "PEM BR OK WELSH CORGIS" PUPS ADULTS. 206477-3119 PERSIAN Cats. 534-5550 After PERSIAN Cat. Grand Champ.
Bloodlines, 115 to SI SO, 466-0610. PUREBRED white Poodle, no pa. pars, 2 mo old. male, 535-4900 23 Dawn-UP to 12 Mos. to Pay VILLAGE MARINA Airway Heights 241-3636 NEW-USED BOATS, 10-30' VALLEY MARINE REEWAY CENTER 964513 HONDA OUTBOARDS Joe's Marine E5019 Trent 5.35-6134 WANTED: Fishing Motors up to 10 hp, will pay cash.
E.7915 Sprague SKIPPER BILLS 921- 1000 19' THOMPSON, lapstreak, 100 hp Evinrude, tandem aria trir, ail $20.32 or best otter. 1-406-837-6603. DAHL MARINE N.6672 Perry 419.8972 New Rebuilt propellers 4994765 Pit EC. PROP. N5626 Freya FISH, boat, lee, sturdy, 2 motors Other necessary Os.
926-4905 21' 1973 REINELL le5hp mere Cabin Cruiser, exclni cond. 448-9055 ELT Johnson rebuilt $475. 534 -8194 491 SAILBOATS SAILBOATS, 12-37 F7. VALLEY MARINE FREEWAY CENTER 9269513 Your friendly easy to find SAN JUAN DEALER SKIPPER BILLS 1 KAMMERZELL'S, 1-3974312 1 REGISTERED BEAUTIFUL I E.7915 Sprague 92a- 1000 AMMER ZELL'S, 1-397-4312 REGISTERED BEAUTIFUL E.7915 Sprague 928-1000 WILL 1 A vq 1 325-3671 BUMPER weekend, S95, 456-0556 30' RANGE 590 327-4659, I I pool table, must go this CASE POWER EQUIPMENT BURMESE KITTENS. 20846.4009 trade equity In Income pro: Airway Heights ii-BWIAN HUSKIES 3mo's.
cid. I artiesor home for up to 30' salt. washer, $90. 535-5773 '30" RANGE S90. BUMPER pool table, most go this weekend, 095, 456-0556 30' RANGE $90.
CASE POWER EQUIPMENT Airway Heights 838-3546 BURMESE KITTENS.1013-474 400e SIBERIAN HUSKIES 3mo's. old. WILL trade equity In Income ernes or home for up to 30' sail. Lge r- I loof I '111 L. I AIN.
12-13-14 FURNITURE EOMPLETE Set of Barbells Induct- 434 I CORNWALL MACHINERY S34-4346 Dont, JOHNI ing bench leg press. SW. M-3958 Fairfield, STUD Service, AKC Black Chinese O'DAY 25, full keel, 3 sails, like FURNITURE I PAi IC FAAMI AAArnharthin D4 PARTS 711 Older. set Pup, Short stocky, S50, 922-0093 new, 519,800. Atter 5.30, 327-3160.
JAN. 12-13-14 434 FURNITURE COMPLETE Set ol-Barbells Includ Jng bench leg press. 920-395e FURNITURE I PAI ING FAMILY Fitness Membership, call 434 FURNITURE CORNWALL MACHINERY Fairfield, 7113-2212 D4 PARTS 1U Older, set 5.14-4346 STUD Service, AKC Black Chinese Pup, short stocky, $50. 922-0093 boat, 328-8972 O'DAY 25, full keel, 3 sails, like new 519,800. Atter 5.30, 327-3160.
At A I mare new pens or repair old. wel 208-773-3616 I KM sealer rcruers, INS. rmnnepnera Male, I 4,20,7 2.Aft.,.!KAPI-LKo Make new parts or repair old. We 208-773-3046 RD6 sealed rollers, 1-9N-21S-6153. WHITE German Shepherd Male, SAN JUAN 23, 5 SAILS.
TRAILER, also will turn or repair spindles. Custom pieces cut or turned to Fluerathl s' ltw II your specifications 972-89111. rcksert 1Coatn2a, 48344Squirsriel HOSPITAL Bed, manually operat- MOVING. Beautiful plush nylon ed, V20.924-5461 Queen re hi cad rm Doz Cf7s4171Y45dtrIe 31156ir13 3 rmo s.kno, EQ. Lail ZNI-1 I 1-4 1), Aatiope saiipower DOBERMAN pups S25.
ea. 3E.121..1i1.color sail wfrall: Mother tree S36-7514 do z2e3r0 I i668 AAOVINC; most AI todorythinn IN 156 Hot Rod, cabiair, low hours. pherd pups, ea. lila NUN-FOIRT 5578,3 head salls Spinnaker $25,000 200 661-4432 41x8ix 12 1' 111 also will turn or repair spindles. Fur Jacket Canadian Squirrel Custom pieces cut or turned to leather.
Sr. 10-12, $109, 483-4457 your specifications. 972-89e1. HOSPITAL Bed, manually operatMOVING: Beautiful plush nylon ad, 5120. 924.546 velour pillow back queen size hi.
deabed couch MOVING must sell everything. W. MOVING: Beautiful plush nylon velour pillow back queen size hi. deabed couch a33117. Good Farm Dozer, 24V start, turbo, cab, 1-509-7115-6153 0471) 5 roller wCat dozer Cash Tekoa, 2114-2501 D6 Hot Rod, cabialr, low hours.
7M0's. Old, S50. Call 026-91011. 3 DOBERMAN pups S257 ea. Mother tree.
536-7514 9 DOSE Shepherd pups, $5.00 ea. 3294530. 200-772-4715, IC allope Sallpower SPEEDBALL, color sail wtrall er, 52500, 327-7279 1979 NEWPORT 77 0B, 3 head sails 9- Spinnaker $25,000 2006626632 21) lk p.0.,, ot I 4Ix81x 58 II -6)0. 600 Cora, Space 115. 3774416...
$22,500. 'Ott-Knott' 291-6311 FREE adorable kittens. 4.66-2-14a FARM wfront loader FREE Fern Collie mix P24-2426 worth of used furniture re. Snowplow low blade A 317Z0111: .04" A a A mo auired to maintain our inventory Frame, 1423 rza-1141. ds hyd pump, S1800, 792.7629 PAII.X.Call Three Way Fur- NEW aluminum ladder, 16'.
s50. Ford 600 W7new LO-ader, $5200 GT Dane AKC S150 244-25120. a 2 FREE AILI-0205 wool S. ikts, fatioues. como.
4iX81X 58 matching man chair, like new, $310. 928-0206 600 Cora, Space 115.327-6416. worth of used furniture re. MYERS Snowplow blade 8, A quired to maintain our inventory. Frame, SM.
928-1141. Buying dally.Call Three Way Fur- NEW aluminum ladder, 16' S50 matching chair, like new, 1310. 928.0206 worth of used furniture required to maintain our inventory. Buying delly.Call Three Way 'Ott-Knott' 2914311 FARM-ALL wfront loader, needs hyd pomp, 61800, 792.7629 Ford 600 Wnew Loader, 55200 FREE adorable kltiens. 466- US FREE, Fern Collie mix.
P24-2470 GT Dane, AKC S1SO 2 FREE DOG, 4g3-0205. 492 SPORTING GOODS ARMY Navy, field (kts, P-coetts, wool phi S. lkts, fatioues, camo PLYWOOD aif A AU A 7'2 wl El afilk DUSTY TREASURES KENMORE auto- DUSTY TREASURFS auto-man Furniture, ew- mire, aaa-Mall 466-9097 COA Tractor, COA, (208)667-749 flauge, gloves, mittens hats, kw LA IJA10(31) ec. Gold nylon velvet, NEW full length blk diamond Mink FRONTIER MACHINERY CO, 2- 11 P- I 5-, -f 1- 32777- 23 flight Ikts. Rick's Classic RagS.
wKuli-NS keo01 inS :11: 4 Jdenet e.dr Camera 1 -n love seat, loose cushions. coat, sr 10, sacrifice, $5000838-5719 WALLA WALLA, WA. (509)525-2010 xco, 4 US3CWHEr2S6428, CHA. IRS ARNI FR8E 5 grown THE CAMERA HOUSE 922-7620 Lamps Tables ready for freezer, 244 2483, 151 rTe-ti Set, Ovai Table 36x-41, 2 MUSCLES UNLIMITED (t38.2103 OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN Both for $30. 3284392 Jones Implement, 1-297-4371 an inierdZkoevreriied-0-.
GREAT EN LDEECZNDCOMBINES RLs PiB-1 BLOWS IF 1 5 SHOP SIDING fryers, leaves, 6 chairs, Excellent condi- A glass lion S130.325-2982 924-2592, eves. Sprague 1457-2223 RABBIT 482 30 RABBITS $2.50 4 Mission Division Spra, coLoll. Argonne 378-1556 928-7310 PRE 64 WIN. mod. 70 go FWT.
30-06, Limited HEVY lop dining tablerid St I I 4 Gold Ve vet pe a egs, Cherry table. Chess sets, 328-2910. sten save fuet 208-6644415 RADIAL Arm Saw, Table Saw. Old PRASCO AIR SEEDERS, stop erit-- 483 HORSEEA 922319 perfect. $500 Beretta 12 131-4 exc.
S595. 1-208-882-4-327 GRADE chairs. Like new, 1485, 9'211-6420. RCA Video Color Camera CC004, WANTED-OLD TIME ANVIL, 22 RIFLES: model 61 win, $2su. I 100-150 ,1.
KING size Simmons maress box 1'3344169' pounds 1-481-22e2 "ATTENTION" Browning Belo. auto $273. Trade ,....4.:, Su tt spring wframe, bedspread, SEARS 112Psuper router, never 2ir GAS Powered ay elevator, Featuring the finest in work- for harp 6. headboard, $150, 978-3494 used, bits, $80. 924-6816.
503 119 Mgrunnn 244-51Ld uns. 926-5816, aft ig bloodlines. Standin ALL terrain vehicle, new engine MOVING must sell, din so-else col. S-PAcE heater 4 25 gal. propene 2-1975 Bearcat II, one new eng, Stallions AA ROM Rate, Grand- atr.flaw, E420331th or TV, bag turn, bedroom' turn, bottle 9as tanks.
$500. tr24-BUJ Odessa Trading, 1-982-2792 sMare 10-wh rnee.ollan rost ortr octicfB VI Jr DOUBLE Barrel 12 gauge, St trade feLpistol. 208-772-4225 CD'A Washer dryer set, furniture i 2-'80 MH2'5, 22', low hrs. Leo out of King Blackburn i SEAL Poturepedic on-bd comp misc Wil Riverside 38-1 8960. a bdrm suite Must sell together WALTER (509)987-2644 Mere, Grandson of Leo San out of GOLOEN FFC Membership, 1ibb aft 7pmianytime wknds.
'71Th Toro snow blower-used Once- 4-MH7 Gleaners, 158 His, Own daughter of Hollywood Gold, oloolopigeesufryenssefeirl.fTeer,ardn,;ris7t0 over 1300 sacrifice 48 1. ii: cost 4 5052 i Lnd Grange Lind 509477-3471 3 Wee prospects for ale 2 s. 08- We-634648g. -fhoroughbred 1979 Colt DIV Shop NI918 Monroe 1, ff 1 1, .:::1,::,.4:,::.:: FURNITURE Twin beds coM l' i CEMENT .1 LEARN TO SCUBA For SaleThree Way-N5201 Market 5000 GALLON Fuel Storage Tank Pole" "Am- Classes start Fob. 11, 487-7615.
11-eirbill4n7: S700, I) 5097311-6S16. pose Sire- 'Next Beauty" by "Mitts" by "Native Ex ruomPsoN Hawken 50 vitiate's, I I UTILITY Trailer 1175, 4411-1M 5020 Tractor, lust 0.H. ce 'Jump Jump or Race Prospect. caps eawder here, $130, 4894136 $350g Write: Richard Urquhart, 4 x8IX 38 451 GARAGE SALES Arrow Machinery, 1-3974377 1 BENCH rest gun wilots of extras, 'MOVING Sete, Everything Must 6602 STRAW Cho per like neW 004 205, Au usta Montana mattresSes, box4rinois frames, Go 534-5550 after 6pm $795, will deliver. c-251-21159.
Phone. (406) 567-3J1 2bris 222 6x e' $1200 708-476 5976 ctosEisouT SPOTTING Scop 5-01ple. MISCELLANES-. '76 Mit MH-2 both 1511H.P. THIIR ED pARTIcLE BOARD wood, 1,775, 327-2181.
nice 452 OU TNOR OUG FOR RENT 357 COLT Python, $500 744-575'3, Genera- A AAACIIINERY-. BICYCLES BLONDE 4Cni60 dining rm tble, 6 ChoariLn Saws, Heaters, Welders. ,72 INDUSTRIAL yearlings. Ali have good ad for I rin Paint') Also re 493 Plush CARPETS chairs, china McSWEENEY'S, Colfax, 3974391 Ono 3 Yr. old gelding, 60 day traiming-two 2 year' old Heys, WEI? TOOL RENTAL A SALES and nice looking.
E.10012-28th. LIGHT 3-wheel tricycle with UNDERLAYMENT -6-6 loveseat, brown, 3 nil Sprouve924-0400. months old $450. 455-9962 SUN, MON, TUES West Valley Farms, 924-7544 motor, extra battery. 326-5235 et- 453 MISCELLANEOUS-.
r'HOTRSE 1" ----rt-i-tr-H-olieT-171-r-i ter 3" t3, RUBBER BACK G-o-od Condition Mg Size Bed $150. KOEHRING 466D tos, yhoroug TRADEWANTED SKIS-EQUIPMENT Neve Porta-Crib $45. 924-1502 Some registered. A horse thobrreevdws. 495 IA 'I lY' COLORS: BLUE LARGE Oak table, 5 side chairs, I TRACK MOUNTED rT efizlil 1.otcl of 436gd lusect sad 7-1000 WE BUY m2 100 Ft nc ek 1 bl i'z'rs.
I 1 1 yraar de. A prices any- Kt PKGS. Save GREEN RUST Captain. s425 Cash 48 China Cabinet, curved glass, D-A- HYDRAULIC it i nco Rd, el Bet ection where. Layaway now, Wt GRADE 29 8 BROWN BLACK Circa 1910, S700, 924-9556.
SQ. RED velvet sofa, meta. love-sair NEWSPAPER LOG LOADER ANGLO Abian Stud, Green ALUMINUM CANS ra broke, 15 3 Hands, Bay. 3 yrs old, tE PORT ON DiVISION 3763977 1. glass dinette, dbl bed.
4554914. $500. Call 11-5. 922-4761 25. 484 3202, 8 5 i' REG.
UP TO YD. 4 ibLID maple table, 4 chrs, buffet, CHECK OUR PRICES WITH BIG Part Arab Gelding 10 Yrs. Gen- tie Well trained, 4-H horse, M75, I EA. whh Lik Cash 624-8175 BOOM OLDER set wooden Fisher skii: Now Circle Trailers discounted $11.00 Sq. Yd.
TRAD utc ITI ew, ONAL DAVENPORT ta0, 535-0284 IERCE LOG SI5iskis bindings, Extra set 1:. .,,,:.1:::, 6 OCCASIONAL CHAIR S45, 466-7506 PIERCE 50" GRAPPLE 1500. Over 25 new used models cable bindleps, S5.624-8579. 7 i WHITE French Provincial chine' SPOKANE RECYCLING In stock. Waylan'S 244-3423.
SKI EXCHANGE-- 1 Break Front 2354014 2354521 Eves AND E14473 Spraeue 926 814 4 E.3407 MAIN Use Aorse Chow Checkers ii-lit-ead WOOD Dining set, 6 c-he-irs, 2 of hay Save SSC Wyp leaves Buffet $400, 92114002. $425 CASH, Round maple, leaf WANT QUICK CASH? 1 BLK WEST OF FREYA DETROIT 6V-71 Farm So- 498 SNOW VEHICLES 4- ni WE BUY GOLD DIAMONDS WANTED: good used two horse extension tbi 4 chrs trailer, 6'10 5'6 closed. CLEARSNOWENCE I a re i im 1 .11 rwiN bed, geod cond, S25. 483-3775 ANY SIZE ANY SHAPE THIS IS A GOOD -9194. 25 TO 30 OFF 7' COUCH, good cond, S75.
456 909-f, I JTVZRPYRII. M41116244955 YARD MACHINE "HORSes WANTED" all kinc17. All Yamaha snowmobile Clothing, We haul. ToRefiCOS. 4113-3878.
helmets and accessories. 11 II IC 1 Eig: Bull I 11 0 mig center 441 FERTILIZER 4 Clisu for Antique furniture, oil it-ORSE greenbroke or CLEARANCE PRICES BLACK DIRT painting, clocks, pocket watches, finished 292 83 2 or 276-2677, en 1980-81 Yamaha 1 old avNeR3Eyd3, sivdts ASIs790 lewelry tantirtue toys READY NOW. 12 Financing 'Is I Lad I ner esti 3, any- 78-6633 ns, Indoor Arena Boar din Lessons VALLEY YAMAHA gilArAtit, ROWAND MACHINERY Betty Okert, Trainer. Ma-WM va 1 ay has your Yamaha more i 4220 MARKET ST. 489-8760 E.
17002 SPRAGUE AVE. 922-1800 P.roeizIL:Ago&r,,,"8""f; 487.1215 SP8N5015 tor iTock car, talT cle- 526 Market ductible, great advertisem*nt, COMPANY sit veR show halter, 1250. Silver E114.415 Sprague Spokane 997 to bridl S190.928-5443 vie 1133 Open Mon. 7400 I OPEN MON. THRU SAT.
8 TO 5:30 FR. NITES1TIL 7 SUN. 9 TO 4 WANTE APIIJ HOBBIES For Information call Jerry at 226- ,.00 8-06, NE EXIT 276 838-5252 ti Neuter today! It's the only FINAL CLOSEOUT humane way. Appts 747-7206 PAYING top cash-12 year old is I 241,120 CI.i RANCH I. KIDS HORS iik A AC STAMPS 0241 oMikat 2344 SPOKA COONS, an Newer app s.
Working or not We DEMO HAMMER s375 29 5, RARE Gold Leave message 534-7641 haul, Frithtty21, 1, Edi M2151. WELDING OUTFli 1149 448-4CTS4 1: i WANT TO BUY: iw For CASH FOP DIAMOND-SA GOLD 5iii0FaiiielN-Tuei stora oil Tank I PUREBRED Shire stallion, 138-1225-0-Pi CO. 1200 I I) or And 1 5 wmoblinS 3 yrs EMPIRE CYCLE Old, esc. disposition. 509-S49-NM ES1124 Trent i 4Ix8Ix 38 'd PARTICLE BOARD e.
Ws aoW N. 4220 MARKET ST. 489-8760 E. 17002 SPRAGUE AVE. 922-1800 OPEN MON.
UP TO SI i.00 Sq. Yd. 20 9 1 SQ. YD. niture, 4894454 466-9097 319OWN Rust Gold nylon velvet, NEW full length blk diamond Mink sofa love seat, loose Cushions.
coat, on 10, sacrifice, $5000 038-5719 exc. old. $350 926-0902. PLAYPEN $25. Infant Rocker 8-1-0-.
COUCHES CHAIRS Both tor Lamps Tables MUSCLES UNLIMITED 0382103 Pool tables, Installed-recovered. 5inette Set, NM Table 2 12" moved-repaired. 924-2592, eves. leaves, 6 chairs, Excellent condilion $130. 325-2902 TEAVY glass top dining table, Gold' Power tools bought II sold Spokane Power Tool, E801 Trent, 489.4202.
RADIAL Arm Saw, Table Saw. Old pedestal legs, 4 Gold Velvet Cherry table. Chess sets, 328-2910. chairs. Like new, 9'70-6420.
19E4 Video Color Camera CC004, I ING size Simmons metre. box --S7M "344169' spring wframe, bedspread, SEARS 112f4Psuper router, never headboard, $150, 928-3494 used, bits, $80. 924-6816. AOVING must sell, dinette set, col- SPACE heater 4 25 gal. Propane or TV, bag turn, bedroom turd, bottle gas tanks.
$500. cr24-8173 928-8380. Washer dryer set, furniture i -E-ATY Posturepedic qn-bd, comp. misc. Wil Rlverside, 838-1960 bdrm suite.
Must sell together, $700. Deo will hold. 326-1695. cost over S800, sacrifice, 4845052. 7247'' Toro snow blower-used once- USED FURNITURE 712" TABLE SAW $75, CEMENT MIXER $85.
466-4106 For Sale-Three Way145201 Market uTILITY Trailer $175, 4411-1212 494454 BROWN Rust Gold nylon velvet, sofa love seat, loose cushions. exc. old. $350 926-0902. COUCHES CHAIRS Lamps Tables MUSCLES UNLIMITED 8384103 Dinette Set, NM Table 36448, 2 leaves, 6 chairs, Excellent condition $130.
325-2987 HEAVY glass top dining table, gold pedestal legs, 4 Gold Velvet chairs. Like new, 1485, 921-6420. KING size Simmons mattress box spring wfreme, bedspread, headboard, SISO, 928-3494 MOVING must sell, dinette set, color TV, bag turn, bedroom turn, 928-1080. 5ALY Fosturepedic on-bd, comp. bdrm suite.
Must sell together, $700. Deo will hold. 326.1695. USED FURNITURE For SaleThroe WayN5201 Market 2, Hardwood Twin beds, coMpl. mattress box springs.
Bd. S100. 4664574. 2 LATEX foam rubber twin bed mattresses, box springs frames, 575 ea set. At 6, 4890103.
BEDROOM set, 5 pieces, nice wood, $775, 3277181. BLONDE 40ot60 dining rm tble, 6 chairs, china closet. 43-4483. COUCH lovesent, brown, 3 months old 5450. 4554962 Good Condition King Size Bed $150.
Neve Porta-Crib $45. 924-1502 LARGE Oak table, 5 side chairs, 1 Captain. $425 Cash 481.1000 OAK China Cabinet, curved giass. Circa 1910,1700, 924-9556. RED velvet sofa, match.
love-sail; glass dinette, dist bed. 4554914. SOLID maple table, 4 chrs, buffet whutch. Like new, Cash, 624-8175 TRADITIONAL DAVENPORT S60, OCCASIONAL CHAIR $45. 466-7506 WHITE French Provincial chine.
Break Front 235-4014, 235-6521 Eves WOOD Dining set, 6 chairs, 2 leaves Bullet, 6400, 028-4002. 4425 CASH. Round maple drop-leaf extension tbi. I Ors. 489-5227 rwl bed, od cond, $25.
483-3275 7' good $75. 4660002, Kouno mop. uF up-ittot WANT QUICK CASH? extension 4 Ors. 489-5227 WE BUY GOLD DIAMONDS TWi bed, gliod cond, $25. 483-3275 ANY SIZE ANY SHAPE COUCH, good cond, $75.
44.6-9097 TOP PRICES NOWII TIME JWLRY NI10 WASH 624-4855 441 FeLEARCTKILDIZIERRT CH -I- for An tique furniture, oil painting, clocks. Pocket watches, GARDEN MANURE 3 krt, old lewelry, antique toys, any- id'u8c7rel S-Tgref affQcakd vceatri'l set amt driveway gravel 3 yds $41. Also, thingold Intpresipi 3284633 445 STAMPS, COINS, For Information call Jerry at 226. 0241 or Mike at 23134A06. HOBBIES PAYING top cash-I2 year old RARE Gold Nuggets.
over inI Newer aopis. Working or not We ounce Leave message S34-2641 haul, FaTtly.A1,1pil M2151. WANT TO fWV I CASH FOR DIAMONDS 4-60-11D Silva, coins. For quotes 922-8936 I Co. 451 GARAGE SALES 'MOVING Selo, Everything Must Go, et ter 6prn 452 FOR RENT Chain Saws, LepIIfter Generators, Heaters, Welders.
(509)525-2010 GREAT SELECTION COMBINES Jones Implement, I-297-4371 JOHN DEERE DRILLS Sprague I257-2223 ODESSA GRANGE SUPPLY Odessa, WA. 91122693 PRASCO AIR SEEDERS, stop erosion 8, save fuel. 201-444-ealS WANTEDOLD TIME ANVIL, 100-1SO pounds, xr GAS Powered hay elevator, $330. 244-51119. 2-I97S Bearcat II, one new en.
Odessa Trading, 1-912-2792 9-'90 MH2'5, 22', low hrs. WALTER IMPL, (509) 987-2641 4.WD Gleaners, 158 H.P. Lind Grange, Lind, 509477-3471 S-IH 1470 combines, ea. Heibling Moscow, 9.92-7501 S000 GALLON Fuel Storage Tank Vag I I) S020 Tractor, lust 0.H. Arrow Machinery, 1-3974377 6602 STRAW Chopper, like new, s795, will deliver.
2 PUPPIES, free, 2217722 481 POULTR FRESH ORGANIC grown fryers, ready for freezer, 244 Nal 4 82 RABBITS 30 RABBITS $2.50 EA. 922-43 i9 4 83 HORSES "ATTENTION" Featuring the finest in workIngrunnIng bloodilneL Standing Stallions AA ROM Rate, Grandson of Three Bars out of Blob Jr Mare, own son of Croton Oil Leo out of King Blackburn Mare, Grandson of Leo San out of own daughter of Hollywood Gold, 3 Wean ling prospects for sale. 2021- 263-4648 aft lornianytime wknds. Reg. Thoroughbred 1979 Colt, Pose" by Beauty" by by "Native Excellent Jump or Race Prospect.
$3500. Write: Richard Urquhart, Box 205, Phone: (406) 562-M91 3 Yr. old gelding, 60 days training-two 2 year old fillys, ready for spring tralning. Also yearlings. All have good pedigree and nice looking.
E.10012-2eth. West Valley Farms, 9244544. "HORSES!" Quarter Horses, Pintos, Arabians, Thoroughbreds. Some registered. A horse for every need.
Lots of good used saddles. Will trade. E2609 Lincoln Rd, North Hillyard. ANGLO Arabian Stud, Green broke, 15 3 Hands. Bay.
3 yrs old, S500. Call 11-5. 922.4761 BIG Part Arab Gelding 10 Yrs. Gentle. Well trained, 4-H horse, Se75, 926-1011.
New Circle Trailers discounted MOO. Over 25 new used models In stock. Wayian's 2443423. Use Horse Chow Checkers instead of hay Save Sal. Wye Farm Supait189-1701 MANI ED: good used two horse trailer, 610" 5'6, closed.
Ramp. 448-9794. "HORSES WANTED" all kinds. We haul. Topp HORSE training, greents-roke or finished 92372 or 276-2677.
Indoor Arena Boarding Lessons-- Betty Okert, Trainer. ASS-8895 SILVER show halter, MO. Silver bridle, S190.921-5443 SPAY A Neuter today! It's the Only humane way. Appts 147-7206. WANTED: RANCH I.
KIDS HORSES. 489-365S PUREBRED Shire stallion, 3 yrs old, est disposition. flauoe, gloves, mittens 8. hats, flight Ikts. Rick's Classic RagS.
Bur Sell-Trade. N223 Division NIKONOS II Under water Carrier; wSekonic Meter. $275. THE CAMERA HOUSE 922-2620 OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN Mission Division 329-1556 Sprapieit. Argonne 928-7310 PRE WIN.
mod. 70 FWT. 30-06, perfect. $SOO Beretta 12 get. 13L4, exc.
S595. 1-206-882-4377. 22 RIFLES: model 61 win, $250. Browning Belo. auto, $223.
Trade for handguns. 926-5816, aft 6. ALL terrain vehicle, new engine witraller, $1,000. E4203 37th DOUBLE Barrel 12 gauge, S110 or trade for pistol. 206-772-422S CD'A GOLLIEN FFC Membership, S5-00 Includes transfer fee, 972-2970.
GUNS-Buy-Sell-Trade-Stan's Shop, NI916 Monroe LEARN TO SCUBA DIVE Classes start Fob. IL 487-7615. -fHOMPSON Hawk en SO wbullets, caps eavder horn, SI30, 48941.36 1 BENCH rest gun wilots of extras, 2bris-222 6x47, $1200, 206-476S976 SPOTTING Scope $200 29241420- 357 COLT PAllion, S500. 744-5753. 493 131CYCLES LIGHT 3-wheel tricycle with 04; motor, extra battery.
326-5235 at. ter J.302.t best attar. 495 SKIS-EQUIPMENT CROSS COUNTRY SKI PKGS. Save $46! Best salection prices anywhere. Layaway WHEEL SPORT ON DIVISION 3283977 BLIZZARD combl 2 el 9 Montle, boots, poles, $100; rack, S75.
484,3702, 85 OLDER set wooden Fisher skls, SiSiskis bindings, Extra set cable bindin9s, SS. 624-8579. NW SKI EXCHANGE-- F14473 Spraove 926 8214 498 SHOW VEHICLES CLEARSNOWENCE 25 TO 30 OFF All Yamaha snowmobile clothing, heirnets and accessories. CLEARANCE PRICES on 198041 Yamaha Snowmobile 12 Financing VALLEY YAMAHA Valley has your Yamaha A more 14415 Sprague Spokane 997I6 we 1133 Open Mon. 7-e00 M.
FINAL CLOSEOUT on all f980 And 1901 SnowmoblIPS EMPIRE CYCLE EStli Trent $35-133.